Do you believe sociologists focus more on the individual or groups of people? What do you think it means to have a sociological perspective? How do you think sociology is similar and different to other social sciences (history, psychology, anthropology, government, econ, political science)? List 4 words you think we will see a lot of in this class. Warm-up
Give me 3 topics you think we will discuss a lot in sociology Socrative website
Before we begin… here are a few basic terms. Sociology The Basics Before we begin… here are a few basic terms.
What is Sociology? Study of how humans function and interact in groups.
What is culture? Way of life shared by members of a society. A group in which we CHOOSE to live because we have the same beliefs, customs, norms, language, food, etc.
What is identity? Who we are and what we identify with… simply put, who are we comfortable around?
What is society? Mass of different cultures bound by territory, economics, and/or politics. If culture is where we choose to live, society is the world we can’t avoid.
What is a group? Two or more people with something, anything in common.
What is Sociology?!?!
Sociological perspective- The sociological perspective is a perspective on human behavior and its connection to society as a whole. It invites us to look for the connections between the behavior of individual people and the structures of the society in which they live.
An iconic image from the Great Depression An iconic image from the Great Depression. Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California Migrant Mother, 1936