The Eureka Project Evaluation 2016-2018 What are we evaluating? How will we do it? What Results are we looking for? Brian Martin
What are we Evaluating ?-The Eureka Project The project aims to create a detailed manual for the identification of most able students which can be used across national boundaries (Greece). The project aims to develop a Resource Directory detailing best interventions. (Ireland) The project also aims to deliver 2 courses for teachers and other associated professionals, which will provide training on the identification of the most able children in education and secondly provide successful intervention techniques and resources.(UK/Czech Rep)
How ?-Evaluation Internal TITAN will lead on the internal quality assurance aspect of the project. They will provide the structure for success. Quality assurance will be a standing item on the Partnership Steering Group agenda Effective use of pre-activity/post event questionnaires for feedback, A feedback process for end users, Assessment of partner commitment to quality assurance and improvement as well as effective participation in tasks, A RAG rating approach Action research.
Date Activity Impact Sept 2016-18 Press release/newsletter in all countries x4 Awareness raising Nov 2016 -18 Steering Committee meeting x 5 Launch of EUREKA and partners aware of roles Nov 2016 Helpline set up by TITAN for 24 months Accessibility for partners Dec 2016 Websites/Facebook /Social networks updated Interactive communication enabled March 2017 Transnational meeting Greece Exchange of practice June 2017 Training Event 1 KPPP Zlin Upskilling June 2017 -Sept 2018 Identification Manual Produced and publicised Sharing good practice Sept 2017 European Shared Treasure base contribution Awareness raising in partner countries Nov 2017 Transnational Meeting Ireland Exchange of Practice March2018 Resource Directory for interventions produced Promotion and Publicity March 2018 Training event 2 UK Upskilling May 2018 Resource Directories and all other resources Sharing Good Practice on websites June-September 2018 Closing Conferences Dissemination and promotion to a wider audience June 2018 Transnational Meeting UK Concluding outputs, final reports and succession strategy
Evaluation External The Manual/The Resource Directory/The Training External Evaluation will assess: - Exchange of practice - are the products genuinely good practice; - Transnationality - the success of transnational working and the effectiveness of partners' contributions; - Partnership - the overall management and administration of partnership working; - Dissemination - whether partners have reached a wide audience; - Valorisation - whether partnerships have achieved multiplier effects through mainstreaming activity.
Methodology Qualitative Attendance at training, interviews with participants/trainers. Survey on impact. Focus group with young people? Observations- Interventions and Resource Directory-Case study on each Quantitative Attendance/certificates, Directories produced-where used? Use of interventions, Use of Resources Action Research-Feedback at meetings to develop practice.
The Results-The Key Questions What changed ? How did it happen ? Who was involved ? What did we learn?
External evaluators expectations Attendance and input at First Management meeting Sample training in Czech Rep and management meeting. Meet staff who I can communicate with in future. Attend transnational meeting (Ireland) and meet staff/students Possible-focus group Sample UK training and meet UK staff over a period of time Attend final Transnational meeting Quarterly reports and 2x case studies. Interim and final report. Occasional email correspondence Contribution to e newsletter on quality