Civil Air Patrol – New Jersey Wing 2014 G1000 Presentation For CPEs, CPs, and IPs Maj William J. Doyle, Jr. Civil Air Patrol, New Jersey Wing, StanEval Officer Check Pilot Examiner / Check Pilot / Instructor-Pilot CFI A&I, AGI, IGI, CFAI, FAAST Rep (PHL) 23 SEP 2014
Presentation Overview What this presentation is This presentation is an overview of the CAP NHQ 2013 G1000 Ground School for Check Pilot Examiners, Check Pilots, and Instructor Pilots This presentation illustrates and highlights what Check Pilot Examiners, Check Pilots, and Instructor Pilots should do to prepare for the G1000 Instructor Ground School This presentation is a guide for what Check Pilot Examiners, Check Pilots, and Instructor Pilots should be teaching when they give CAP pilots ground and flight instruction in the G1000 What this presentation is not This presentation is not an online version of the NHQ G1000 Course This presentation is not a guide of how to use the G1000
Overview of CAP G1000 Instructor Ground Course Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word 3
Instructor Ground Course – Training Matrix
Preparation for Instruction NHQ Training Philosophy Minimize risks associated with over-dependency on automation Emphasize “eyes outside the cockpit” and “hands-on” flying skills Overview of Horizontal Situation Indicators (HSIs) Many CAP pilots are unfamiliar with the HSI. Bendix-King HSI Tutorial #49 Bendix-King HSI Tutorial #66 Century NSD 1000 HSI 68S85 Wikipedia Horizontal Situation Indicator Overview of Technologically Advanced Aircraft (TAAs) The links below are to FAA Safety Seminars on TAAs and GPS
Overview of Instructor Ground Course Course Overview This G1000 Instructor Ground Course is not about how to use the G1000 This G1000 Instructor Ground Course is about how to teach the G1000 NHQ intends that all ground instruction will be face-to-face The VFR G1000 Ground Course would be a full day course The IFR G1000 Ground Course would be a full day course Instructor Ground Course and Flight Scenarios Instructor Ground Course – 42 slides Instructor Flight Scenarios
Overview of Instructor Ground Course Instructor and Pilot Resources G1000 Information Ground School Study Guide – Version 10a N355CP N941CP CAPR 60-1 – see text in yellow highlights for G1000 changes CAPF-5 (Word) – new version effective APR 2014 CAPF-5 (PDF) – new version effective APR 2014 Garmin G1000 PC Trainer for Cessna NAV III, Version 12.0 Good investment, buy it for yourself, urge your students to do the same $24.95 plus $8.00 shipping
Overview of Instructor Ground Course CAP G1000 Endorsements Consider example of a Wing with Cessna 182T and Cessna U206H, both equipped with the Cessna Nav III G1000 System This may seem hypothetical but it is the case in PAWG Consider a pilot who was already “Form 5-ed” in the Cessna 182T and in a Cessna U206G (round dial, steam gauge, Six Pack) Under the old rules the pilot would have had to take an additional CAPF-5 check ride in the Cessna U206H Nav III since it was different from the Cessna U206G. Under the new rules the pilot’s CAPF-5 G1000 endorsement taken for the Cessna 182T and the pilot’s CAPF-5 in the Cessna U206G would cover the pilot to fly the Cessna U206H without having to take an additional CAPF-5 check ride.
Overview of Instructor Ground Course CAP G1000 Endorsements Consider example of a unit with Cessna 182T and Cessna 172S, both equipped with the Cessna Nav III G1000 System This may seem hypothetical but my flying club at Doylestown Airport actually has two such airplanes Consider a pilot who was already “Form 5-ed” in the Cessna 182T and in a Cessna 172P (round dial, steam gauge, Six Pack) Under the old rules the pilot would have had to take an additional CAPF-5 check ride in the Cessna 172S Nav III since it was different from the Cessna 172P. Under the new rules the pilot’s CAPF-5 G1000 endorsement taken for the Cessna 182T and the pilot’s CAPF-5 in the Cessna 172P would cover the pilot to fly the Cessna 172S without having to take an additional CAPF-5 check ride.
Overview of Instructor Ground Course CAPF-5 Flight Evaluation Form – April 2014 CAPF-5 Word document CAPF-5 Adobe PDF Top portion shown below
What is CFIT? Controlled Flight into Terrain Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word 11
Anything Wrong With This Picture? Can your GPS alert you to this? If so, what do you do next?
What About This Picture? Can your GPS alert you to this? If so, what do you do next?
So What Do You Think? CFIT in the Making? What is CFIT? It is not CFI Training! Does Controlled Flight Into Terrain ring a bell? What do you do next?
CAP CFIT Accident Las Vegas, NV 8 NOV 2007 Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word 15
Night VMC Takeoff Accident in T182T G1000 - CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) with two fatalities – N881CP NTSB Factual Report – click link below NTSB Probable Cause – click link below Crew Experience and FAA Certificates Pilot (left seat): ATP AMEL, Commercial ASEL, 25,000 hours total time, G1000 trained (74.7 hours G1000, 34.2 hours in accident airplane) Pilot (right seat): ATP AMEL, helicopter, CFI, AGI, IGI, 28,000 hours total time, not G1000 trained
Night VMC Takeoff Accident in T182T G1000 - CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) with two fatalities – N881CP Events from night of 11/08/2007 Departed North Las Vegas Airport (VGT), Las Vegas, NV on a VFR flight plan about 19:05 Local PST bound for Rosamond Skypark Airport (L00), Rosamond, California 19:05:29 Local PST - checked in with ATC at 2,700 feet MSL 19:17:29 Local PST - radar contact lost, airplane impacted 1,000 feet below summit of Mt. Potosi (elevation = 8,514 feet MSL) Fireball from impact witnessed by law enforcement helicopter Interviews with the ATC Controller produced the following Controller stated, "The aircraft looked fine - there was nothing unusual about it.” When questioned about where he expected the aircraft to go the controller replied that “...the pilot was on his own navigation.” Controller stated that other aircraft he has seen go where the accident aircraft was, and some go further south. Asked when he is required to issue a safety alert, the controller stated, in his opinion, when an aircraft is close to terrain or other aircraft. Controller stated that he knew that the height of Mt. Potosi was 8,500 feet.
Night VMC Takeoff Accident in T182T G1000 - CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) with two fatalities – N881CP Conditions of Flight Accident occurred during dark night under visual meteorological conditions. No lighted roads or round structures were present in the area to provide ground reference to terrain. 1% of the moon’s disk was illuminated. Airplane climb performance over last six minutes of flight per recorded radar data Average groundspeed was 100 knots Average rate of climb was 406 fpm (feet per minute) Note: an average rate of climb of 600 fpm was required to clear terrain along the flight path.
Night VMC Takeoff Accident in T182T G1000 - CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) with two fatalities – N881CP Lessons Learned Know necessary climb out rate Conversion formula for Feet Per NM to Feet Per Minute (FPM) Feet Per NM / feet in NM * 100 * ground speed (per G1000) VGT Northtown Three Departure from Runway 30L uses 415 feet per NM 415 / 6076 * 100 * 100 = 683 FPM VGT Boulder City One Departure from Runway 30L uses 367 feet per NM 367 / 6076 * 100 * 100 = 604 FPM Do not depend on ATC for terrain separation File for an instrument departure Know the airplane’s equipment See G1000 illustration on terrain avoidance
Night VMC Takeoff Accident in T182T G1000 - CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) with two fatalities – N881CP G1000 illustration on terrain avoidance PDF inset or MFD Red – 100 feet AGL or less Yellow – more than 100 feet AGL but less than 1000 feet AGL Black – 1000 feet AGL or higher
Overview of CAP G1000 VFR Pilot Ground Course Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word 22
Overview of G1000 VFR Pilot Ground Course Ground Course Modules There are two ground course modules VFR Ground Module #1 - Knobology and Stick & Rudder – 95 slides VFR Ground Module #2 - Auto Pilot – 60 slides Request form for ground training - NJWF-61-1 G1000 Ground Training Form Form created by Maj Tom Woods Flight Training Modules There are two flight training modules VFR Flight Scenario #1 VFR Flight Scenario #2 Request form for flight training - NJWF-61-2 G1000 Flight Training Form
Overview of G1000 VFR Pilot Ground Course Recommend that classes be segregated between KAP 140 Autopilot (N355CP) and GFC 700 (N941CP) The links below are to Cessna PowerPoint presentations for the KAP 140 Autopilot and the GFC 700 Integrated Flight Control System KAP 140 Autopilot (N355CP) GFC 700 (N941CP)
Overview of G1000 Module #1 VFR Ground Course G1000 Components PFD: AHRS, ADC, Magnetometer, GTX MFD: EIU, Moving maps, GPS check (AUX) GDU 1040 vs. GDU 1044 Tuning Area – use right hand Soft Keys – PFD Insert: Topo vs. Terrain H.S.I., Bearings, CDI colors CAP Audio MFD: Chapter / Page organization EIU – Fuel indicators (35 gallons) MAP – Latitude/Longitude; User waypoints TIS, Stormscope, NexRad (TFR indicators) NRST Airports, Intersections, NDB, VOR, User WPT, Frequencies, Airspace System Annunciators Fuel – (slide on old version of fuel system is wrong) Electrical System, Vacuum System KOEL
Instructor Ground Course – VFR #1 Flight Syllabus
Instructor Ground Course – VFR #1 Flight Syllabus
Overview of G1000 Module #2 VFR Ground Course GFC 700 FD vs. AP – who provides the muscle? Modes White = Armed Green = Engaged KAP 140 Autopilot Note UP / DN buttons, effect of hold then release ROL, HDG, NAV, APR; no yaw GDU 1040 vs. GDU 1044 CWS Go Around button
Instructor Ground Course – VFR #2 Flight Syllabus
Instructor Ground Course – VFR #2 Flight Syllabus
Overview of CAP G1000 IFR Pilot Ground Course Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word 31
Overview of G1000 IFR Pilot Ground Course Ground Course Modules There are two ground course module IFR Ground Module #3 - Knobology and Stick & Rudder – 99 slides IFR Ground Module #4 - Auto Pilot – 153 slides Request form for ground training - NJWF-61-1 G1000 Ground Training Form Form created by Maj Tom Woods Flight Training Modules There are two flight training modules. IFR Flight Scenario #1 IFR Flight Scenario #2 Request form for flight training - NJWF-61-2 G1000 Flight Training Form
Overview of G1000 IFR Pilot Ground Course Recommend that classes be segregated between KAP 140 Autopilot (N355CP) and GFC 700 (N941CP) The links below are to Cessna PowerPoint presentations for the KAP 140 Autopilot and the GFC 700 Integrated Flight Control System KAP 140 Autopilot (N355CP) GFC 700 (N941CP)
Overview of G1000 Module #3 IFR Ground Course Flight Plan Victor Airways Preferred use – PFD vs. MFD: EIU, Moving maps, GPS check (AUX) Direct To – given often by ATC for RNAV-equipped airplanes Approaches Approach plates Enroute charts SIDS and STARS Holds KAP 140 vs. GFC 700
Instructor Ground Course – IFR #1 Flight Syllabus
Instructor Ground Course – IFR #1 Flight Syllabus
Overview of G1000 Module #4 IFR Ground Course KAP 140 Autopilot Note UP / DN buttons, effect of hold then release ROL, HDG, NAV, APR; no yaw GDU 1040 vs. GDU 1044 GFC 700 FD vs. AP – who provides the muscle? GFC 700 – Approaches Slide Notes ILS/LOC Approaches VOR Approaches BC Approaches RNAV GPS Approaches Missed Approaches
Instructor Ground Course – IFR #2 Flight Syllabus
Instructor Ground Course – IFR #2 Flight Syllabus
What Are the Risks in Flying a Technologically Advanced Aircraft (TAA)? Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word 40
What Are the Risks with Flying TAA? Risk: Lack of Pilot Proficiency Mitigation: study, study, study then practice, practice, practice Get the simulator for whatever GPS you have Garmin GNS 430, Garmin GNS 530, Garmin G1000 for Cessna NAV III, Apollo GX55 See reference section for links Download training videos, manuals (PDF), flight planning lessons Get some ground instruction and flight instruction from your CFI Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word Emphasize the need for study and then training. These systems are complex. Pilots should not expect to just hop in the plane and then go do it
What Are the Risks with Flying TAA? Risk: Head in the Cockpit Instead of Outside Mitigation: Set up as much as possible on the ground Do your flight planning at home before coming to the airport File an FAA flight plan (consider filing IFR even if VMC) Print a navigation log (consider AOPA Internet Flight Planner) Set up flight plan in GPS after preflight and engine start but before taxi Contact Clearance Delivery on radio or cell phone Set up clearance route in your GPS Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word Emphasize the need for study and then training. These systems are complex. Pilots should not expect to just hop in the plane and then go do it. Pilots need to learn the airplane and its systems on the ground not in the air
What Are the Risks with Flying TAA? Risk: Single Pilot IFR Mitigation: Take an experienced pilot or CFI Establish personal minimums, don’t deviate from them Consider establishing a risk management matrix Refer to next section on personal minimums Build experience When appropriate, revise your personal minimums Refer to the Single Pilot Night IFR seminar
What Are the Risks with Flying TAA? Risk: Thunderstorm Penetration Mitigation: Avoid thunderstorms Do not use NexRad or Strike Finder features to penetrate thunder Storms Use NexRad or Strike Finder features to avoid thunder Storms Preferably by putting the T-Storms at your six o’clock Emphasize this, emphasize this and then emphasize it again When you are done emphasizing it then stress it!
What Are the Risks with Flying TAA? Risk: Thunderstorm Penetration Emphasize this, emphasize this and then emphasize it again When you are done emphasizing it then stress it!
What Are the Risks with Flying TAA? Other Things You Should Consider If possible, upgrade your GPS to WAAS If possible, upgrade/subscribe to NexRad Near real-time weather Near real-time TFR (time lags can be >15 minutes) Keep your databases up to date As part of pre-flight, check to make sure that the databases are current Subscriptions are available for downloads from the Internet Make sure all of your equipment is up to date, especially the GPS databases Subscriptions are available for downloads from the Internet Emphasize that pilots should not fly with expired databases
What Are the Risks with Flying TAA? Other Things You Should Consider Foster/practice continuing pilot education FAA Risk Management Handbook - See Appendix A for Personal Minimums Cessna G1000 Reference Manuals Cessna NavIII G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide Oct2011 Rev A Cessna NavIII G1000 Pilot Guide Oct2011 Rev A Emphasize to the audience that no matter how good they are, they should periodically fly with a CFI so another pair of eyes can assess their skills Emphasize self-study and the many free Internet resources available for self-study Refer pilots to both the FAA and the AOPA websites for Internet resources
Overview of CAP G1000 Mission Observer Ground Course Try to get audience participation and interaction Some pilots see it as an affront to suggest the dread “dual” word 48
Mission Observer G1000 Ground Course Lesson Structure G1000 MO Lesson 01 - Introduction – 47 slides G1000 MO Lesson 02 - Components and Systems – 35 slides G1000 MO Lesson 03 - Primary Flight Display (PFD) – 34 slides G1000 MO Lesson 04 - Multi-Function Display (MFD) – 73 slides G1000 MO Lesson 05 - Autopilot – 52 slides G1000 MO Lesson 06 - Flight Planning and SAR - Part 1 – 51 slides G1000 MO Lesson 06 - Flight Planning and SAR - Part 2 – 51 slides G1000 MO Lesson 07 - Incapacitation of Mission Pilot – 50 slides G1000 MO Lesson 08 - Simulator and Exercises – 27 slides