EUREKA project Overview This publication has been produced with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Titan Partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the NA and the Commission.
Project aims and objectives This project addresses: A lack of initial teacher training and continuous professional development(CPD) for teachers to identify their most able learners, ensuring all students can achieve their potential. It is vital that students with exceptional abilities are identified, regardless of background or special educational or behavioural needs. The aims of the project: The continuation and development of the Talented Children project Improvements in the competences of teachers/other professionals in early and correct identification of giftedness and talents, and in the development of their knowledge in pedagogy, psychology and communication. Access for staff to greatly improved resources. Ensure high quality teaching, to provide adequate initial teacher education and CPD for teachers and trainee teachers and other educational specialists.
Project aims and objectives How will this be achieved? a supportive manual for teachers/practitioners on the identification of the most able a resource directory detailing best interventions will be developed to accompany the manual by delivery of two courses for teachers and other associated professionals, based on the exchange of practice of partners: C1: Best practice approaches to identification of the most able learners C2: Best practice approaches to delivering teaching to the most able learners
Partners Titan Partnership (UK) Project coordinators Responsible for: project management, overseeing project delivery, recruiting UK teachers to training programmes C1 and C2 and monitoring feedback, dissemination in UK, monitoring feedback on resources from UK participants, reporting to the National Agency. Birmingham City University (UK) Responsible for: supporting recruitment of UK teachers to C1 training and monitoring their feedback, delivering the C2 training programme, dissemination in UK.
Partners Ellinogermaniki Agogi (GR) Responsible for: recruiting GR teachers to training programmes C1 and C2 and monitoring feedback, dissemination in GR, monitoring feedback on resources from GR participants, preparing the identification manual. KPPP (CZ) Responsible for: delivering the C1 training programme, recruiting teachers to teachers to the C2 training programme and monitoring feedback, monitoring feedback on the resources from CZ participants, dissemination in CZ.
Partners GRETB (IRE) Responsible for: recruiting IRE teachers to training programmes C1 and C2 and monitoring feedback, dissemination in IRE, monitoring feedback on resources from IRE participants, preparing the resource directory.
Target groups We will support the most able learners by engaging with their educators: Teachers Trainee teachers School managers Educational psychologists/SEN coordinators Support staff Other professionals responsible for education Teacher training providers
Outputs Identification manual a step by step guide for the identification of the most able in primary and secondary school. This will be developed through the exchange of good practice in partner countries, analysing and discussing what works and then producing the manual. The manual will be available electronically. It will include: 1. Introduction 2. Basic definitions 3. Characteristics and challenges of most able students 4. How to recognize the most able child - methods, test and procedures, best practice examples 5. Interventions in schools, in classrooms, in family and case studies 6. Networking and other sources of information/resources 7. Literature This will be collated by EA. Partners will then disseminate the manual to teachers online/at face to face events (total target 200) and request feedback via a short feedback form.
Outputs 2. Resource directory It will be used by teachers/other professionals in education as an overview of possibilities of academic, behavioural, social, and emotional supports for the most able learners. Each partner country will contribute as a minimum: - a list of institutions on national/regional and local level which provide training, consultancy and guidance; - a list of strategic documents, studies, reports and scientific articles; - a set of curriculum approaches which can be delivered across Europe by teachers. These will be researched and shared at transnational meetings and also integrated into the training - exchange of practice. - at least one case study (video) based on interventions that work. - a list of web resources. - all shared practice and resources will be documented on partner websites. This will be collated and prepared by GRETB. Each partner to disseminate the resource to 400 teachers (via online/face to face events). Partners to request feedback via a short feedback form.
Outputs 3. C1 training: best practice to identify the most able learners The programme will develop skills and knowledge to identify the most able learners at an early stage. Whilst it is recognised that early identification is ideal the course will also acknowledge and provide tools for the identification, at the secondary education stage, of students who have fallen through the net. This will be a 30 hour course. 20 participants from across the partnership (to include any professionals responsible for identifying the most able). Partners will ask participants to share their learning in school/trial elements and provide feedback on this.
Outputs 4. C2 training: best practice to teach the most able learners The aim of the course is to give professionals working in schools, including teachers and other staff such as educational psychologists and careers counsellors, the skills and knowledge to develop a curriculum using materials and techniques which will ensure that the most able learners make the most of their abilities. The course is 5 days in total and 21 participants will attend from across the partnership. Partners will ask participants to share their learning in school/trial elements and provide feedback on this.
Timeline Date Activity Impact Delivered by Nov 2016-18 Delivered by Nov 2016-18 Press release/newsletter in all countries x4 Awareness raising All partners Dec 2016 -18 Steering Committee meeting x 5 Launch of EUREKA and partners aware of roles Attended by all partners Nov 2016 Helpline set up by TITAN for 24 months Accessibility for partners Titan Dec 2016 Websites/Facebook /Social networks updated Interactive communication enabled March 2017 Transnational meeting Greece Exchange of practice All partners attend June 2017 Training Event 1 KPPP Zlin Upskilling KPPP June 2017 -Sept 2018 Identification Manual produced and publicised Sharing good practice Ellinogermaniki Agogi Sept 2017 European shared resource base contribution Awareness raising in partner countries All partners contribution to support final outcome
Timeline Nov 2017 Transnational Meeting Ireland Exchange of Practice All partners attend March2018 Resource Directory for interventions produced Promotion and Publicity GRETB March 2018 Training event 2 - UK Upskilling BCU May 2018 Resource Directories and all other resources Sharing Good Practice on websites All partners promote June-September 2018 Closing Conferences Dissemination and promotion to a wider audience All partners in own countries June 2018 Transnational Meeting UK Concluding outputs, final reports and succession strategy