Sector Workforce Engagement Programme (SWEP) Progress Update Steve Divers The moto for us in the last 12 months have been summed up in two words, Persistence and Patience. That doesn’t come easy to an industry that is very adept to responding quickly. First the good news, last year we saw an almost 10% increase in New Class 5 licences issued, I attribute this to the articles that every member organisation put out there in the media highlighting the need, but can’t just bang the same old drum, we have to create tools for people to use, this becomes our pathway into the industry.
Recommendations from Stocktake 2017: Schools & Student Engagement. Increasing Coverage of Training Programmes. Industry Training. Outside influences - Car Licensing Issue & Drug Use Stocktake of the industry completed which highlighted these areas: Schools and student engagement is about highlighting and promoting our industry as a career, information tells us the biggest cohort of entrants will be under 25’s. Increasing coverage of programmes, filling the gaps in areas where there is a need. Industry training is about encouraging industry to start training new driver entrants. Car Licensing or the lack of, the tipping point for young people holding a full car licence rather than a learners or restricted is at the age of 21/22, too late to start an early entry point to the transport industry.
Schools & Student Engagement: Industry Showcase Days Promoting the transport industry as a career-Supporting local intiatives South Canterbury Transport Sector Day, gave tactile experiences of incab driving experiences and operating machinery. Jobfest in Manawatu is part of a bigger concept of a National Driver Training Centre which currently operates for car licensing and a project to develop into heavy vehicle licences with a Provincial Growth Fund application currently. Bay of Plenty Industry showcase- the highlight being students were able to drive a large class 2 under supervision of Toi Ohomai driver instructors-youngest was a year 10 student. Other events held include the Christchurch Truck Show
Increasing Coverage of Training Programmes : Manukau Institute (Auckland) Programme launched Ara Polytech (Timaru) Programme launching in October Industry Training Programmes : Mito - Level 3 “Skills” School Programme Mito - Level 3 General Qualification Updated Skills Programme is a gateway type programme: with over 500 secondary schools across NZ the industry only needs a small number in each school year’s 11-13.
South Canterbury Cluster Group
Industry Training: Re-Launching the Accelerated Licensing Process Operator is 4 star ORS or above Approved Reporting & Control System Meets the NZTA Audit Criteria on Vehicle Safety Stage 1- Preliminary Assessment of the Driver Stage 2- 60 Hours of Supervised Driving Stage 3- 200 Hours of Unsupervised Driving This has been buried in the Driver Licensing Rule since 2011, but very low or no uptake by the industry: There are strict hours of driving and work, no more that 8 hours per cumulative workday until completed 140 hours under stage 2. Must be monitored which is detailed in the reporting & control system. Company must have certain policies, drug & alcohol, inductions to equipment and the like. Different requirements for under or over 25, but can progress from a class to 4 or 5 within 260 hours.
Planned Forward Activities: 250 Additional Driver goal in next 12 months. 300 Additional potential drivers on pathway. Focus on industry adopting programmes into cadetship by; Cluster group of Operators in Auckland region. Cluster group Nelson & Marlborough Launch Gateway programme and targeting of schools. Future workplace development-Industry Charter Develop further the current Accelerated Licensing Programme with NZTA - Under 25’s
Promotion of RFT Careers:
Promotion of RFT Careers: