The State of:
Why we do the work:
Past President Review: HUGO Mullins
Our Past Almost 50 years as GAHSC Last 22 with same Executive Director Growth spurts and declines Relevance for who? When? Structure changes….
Our Today In the midst of re-naming and re-branding Growth – 8 new members, 1 lost member New approach to Legislative Session with addition of Stan Jones – feedback? Close working relationship with advocates and state agencies Deeply involved with current changes (FC-CMO, CHINS, Privatization…) Still financially very lean
Other Specifics First GSU intern – Ben Blackwater Working on creation of 501(c)(3) entity (open new funding streams) Finalizing name change – ‘Together Georgia Providers Alliance’ dba ‘Together Georgia’ Creating new website with some added benefits Talking to UGA ‘s Fanning Institute - brainstorm
Our Tomorrow Becoming the common voice for Georgia children and family providers Being sought by all Georgia child welfare decision-makers for the best innovations and solutions Constantly improving value to our members Actively participating on relevant national issues
Becoming the Common Voice Grow membership – everyone can benefit and assist Host a training site if possible for members and other regional stakeholders Fully participate in the fall conference Be active during the session – Together Georgia Day at the Capitol is 3/10/15. Also, feedback to national initiatives i.e., Casey Working Paper
Best Innovation and Solutions Actively seek out best practices in the world and robustly share them Be bold in taking stands on what is best for serving Georgia’s children, youth and families Engage regularly all stakeholders including consumers of our services
Value to Members Constantly listen and as appropriate address members’ needs Inclusiveness at ‘tables’ Training opportunities Meaningful and targeted Communications Honest feedback and as appropriate consultation Networking and fellowship experiences
The National Scene NOSAC FFTA The Alliance CWLA NASW
New Presidents Vision: JOHN BLEND
If all human parents were like eagle parents: