LAB SAFTEY Safety is the number one rule in the lab For your safety as well as your classmates please follow all rules
Proper Clothing ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES Shoes must be worn in lab Avoid wearing dangling jewelry Keep hair tied back or put up ???? Apron or smock
General safety Conduct only assigned experiments Know locations of eyewash, fire blanket and extinguisher, phone, and shower no gum, food, or drink in the lab room Read all procedures before you begin Wash your hands when you complete a lab Do not leave a lit burner unattended
General rules cont. Notify me of any spills of chemicals Report any accidents to me Clean up spills and broken glass immediately. Clean your work area!!!!! Do not use chipped or cracked glassware Discard broken glassware in front container
FIRE DRILLS Know what to do if there is a fire drill during a lab period. Containers must be covered Gas turned off burner Electrical equip. off
Follow all rules Don’t let this happen!!
Really Most accidents in chemistry are very minor If you follow instructions and wear goggles there is a very little chance of getting seriously hurt So be safe and have fun!!!