Day 1: Procedures and Introduction
Monday, 1/25/2017 Objectives: Read and annotate a text to determine an author's central idea and point of view Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text Compose written responses to demonstrate understanding/analysis of the text. Homework: Re-read "My Name" and complete annotations. Quiz 1/27: "My Name" Complete Student Information Sheet Supplies Due Monday 1/30 Books Due by Friday Feb 3 Prepositions List Quiz Wednesday Feb 1st
Agenda: Complete seating arrangement. Discuss expectations/rules Student Information Sheet Copy prepositions list. Record annotation expectations. Read: “My Name”
I will assign your seats for now I will assign your seats for now. Once you know where you are sitting, take your things and take your seat. Rules: 1. Respect your instructors, classmates, the school, and yourself. 2. Be seated and ready when the bell rings. 3. Raise your hand in class. 4. Keep the classroom neat and clean. 5. Follow directions the first time they are given.
Consequences: Procedures: 1. Non-Verbal Warning 2. Verbal Warning 3. Written Warning (ASD) 4. Parent Contact/Conference 5. Office Referral Procedures: 1. Coming into class 2. Warm up 3. Non-verbal signals 4. Lecture/taking notes 5. Raising hands 6. Lockdown/Fire drill
TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: Lockout policy Late Homework Absences and make-up work Retesting policy Books needed for class Fire drill plan Bathroom policy Water bottles and eating in class Electronic devices/smartwatches Acceptable use of technology in class
Warm Up: 3 min. Take out a piece of paper and answer the following questions 1. What do you expect from this class? 2. What do you think high school will be like? 3. Do you know your learning style? If so, what is it? (Auditory, Visual, or Physical)
Laptop Procedure: Retrieving and returning laptops. 1. The first person in each row will retrieve the numbered laptops for everyone in the entire row. 2. Pass the laptops one at the time back to the person behind you. (If you have your own laptop, we encourage you to bring it).
3. Sign onto the laptops. Username: student number Password: DDMMYY 4 3. Sign onto the laptops. Username: student number Password: DDMMYY 4. Wait silently for further instruction.
Go to classroom. google. com and wait Go to and wait. You will need to sign into your school's email address in order to access classroom from home. Join the class using the following codes Block 2: 9gi3q3k Block 4: z8cve5h
On your laptop, there is a number On your laptop, there is a number. The number should match up to your desk number. Look at each part of Google Classroom. Each assignment must be submitted and turned in by the time listed.
Let's try one. Everyone click on the assignment labeled “Student Information Sheet” Download the text file and open it as a Google doc. (click file and open as google doc) Answer the questions. This is due on 1/30 by 7am. You must also download the syllabus and read it by tomorrow. When you complete an assignment, check the box labeled “Done”.
On your own… (Due 1/27) Take your laptops and open the document named “My Name”. Finish annotating your own copy of the story. You need to look for Diction Tone Question the true meaning of the text