Emergency Management ESFs NIMS, ICS, and HICS Regulations and Standards “E” is for 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Name the 4 phases of Emergency Management Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery.
A cohesive unit for better management and response during a disaster An ESF is a way to consolidate multiple agencies that perform similar functions into _______ A cohesive unit for better management and response during a disaster
This is a system to facilitate a nationwide standardization of incident management, promote a unified approach, and emphasize preparedness NIMS
The Food and Drug Administration is this type of entity Regulatory
Including all types of disasters in planning is called an _____ All-Hazards Approach
The two healthcare related ESFs are: ESF 6 and ESF 8
Operations, Planning, Administration/Finance, and Logistics ICS consists of 5 General Staff positions, the Incident Commander and these 4 section chiefs: Operations, Planning, Administration/Finance, and Logistics
What are at least two of the Emergency Management series of standards from TJC Communications, Resources and Assets, Safety and Security, Staff Roles and Responsibilities, Utilities, and Clinical and Support Activities
Some of these may include: Law Enforcement, EMS, Fire Services, and your local EMA External Partners
An unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action is the definition of this An Emergency
The objective of healthcare emergency planning is to improve the current readiness capability by: Analyzing current level, Focusing on areas of vulnerability, and developing a plan
Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services ESF 6 Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services
These are just one of the valuable resources you will find inside of HICS JAS, Drill/Exercise Scenarios, Forms and Checklists, a list of critical positions, IPG, IRG, and training materials
The first new hospital accreditation approved by CMS in 30 years DNV
Personal Protective ______ Equipment
A _______ is when resources are overwhelmed, necessitating a need for external assistance. Disaster
Public Health and Medical Services ESF 8 Public Health and Medical Services
Command and Management, Preparedness, Resource Management, Communications and Information Management, Supporting Technology, and Ongoing Management and Maintenance are the 6 Components of this NIMS
This is theoretically voluntary, but can often be a de facto requirement Accreditation
Preparedness efforts include these two “E”s Education and Exercising
This phase of the Emergency Management cycle usually consists of structural changes (wind retrofits, etc.) Mitigation
The function of medical care does not correspond to any unique ESF, however, it is addressed within ______ ESF 8
The Command Staff in HICS includes these 3 officers and 1 specialist: Information, Liaison, and Safety Officer, plus the Med/Tech Specialist
part of the Emergency Powers of the Governor “The Governor may suspend any requirements and the enforcement of any rules of departments when a declared a public health emergency” The above statement is part of this Act. part of the Emergency Powers of the Governor
To plan for a man-made disaster, you must continually be on the lookout for Emerging Threats