World Health Organization 19 November, 2018 IPC Action Points Update July – Dec. 2015 WHO HQ, Geneva December 10-11, 2015 Director WHO/EMP Dr Kees de Joncheere
World Health Organization IPC Action Points Update 19 November, 2018 a) PSM Toolbox issues (Action WHO/AMDS): Update of the PSM Toolbox carried out: obsolete tools removed and PSM Toolbox enhanced to such a way that tools are categorized according to their use (frequency). PSM Toolbox meeting (Dec 10-11) will discuss the dissemination and impact measurement (number of users), support in daily PSM work and further improvement of the tools. (Report during the meeting) IPC Focal persons to interact with WHO/AMDS on the PSM Toolbox for better dissemination, improvement of tools and analysis of gap: pending of identification. PSM Toolbox Project – 2016 Funding Proposal developed (presented during the meeting)
IPC Action Points Update b) Shortages of medical products (Action ISG and WHO): Informal Working Group met with ISG Group end of Sept. and did a stock-taking of ongoing initiatives, formulated recommendations and identified steps to move forward: Support to in-country joint investments; Global/Regional initiatives in support of countries (Global stock-outs, in-country visibility and tracking; capacity building support, building stronger supply information systems) - Presentation and discussion during this Meeting. Outcomes from the Technical Consultation on Prevention and Managing Global Stock outs of medicines (GVA, Dec 08-09) be discussed during the Meeting
IPC Action Points Update World Health Organization IPC Action Points Update 19 November, 2018 c) Model Quality Assurance System (MQAS) for the Assessment of procurement agencies (Action WHO/EMP): ePublication of the Interagency Guidelines including the material adopted by the 48th ECSPP IN 2014 and published in TRS 986 2014. Mock up of the eGuidelines developed; ongoing consultation with IPC members for the inclusion of Logos. ePublication will be posted on the website and link communicated to IPC members for broader dissemination of the MQAS Guidelines.
IPC Action Points Update d) Local Production: (Action WHO and UNIDO) Technical meeting of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa facilitated by UNIDO and WHO, under the auspices of the AUC (Feedback during the meeting) On the occasion of the international conference on financing for development in Addis Ababa, Launch of Ethiopia’s National strategy and Plan of Action for Pharmaceutical manufacturing (July 2015): high level representation Prime Minister, Heads of Int. Agencies and WHO DG.
IPC Action Points Update f) Ebola update: (Action WHO) The presentation on R&D Blueprint will provide an update on R&D preparedness. With reference to the need for plans for engaging IPC around procurement of essential products (like PPE), supply chain management and alignment of corporate roles and responsibilities re access to essential pharmaceuticals in an emergency response, will require an agreement on which agencies need to be involved, and the focal points clearly identified. Some ToRs would be required to guide the engagement and expectations of what the IPC would and would not do in the next of PHEIC.
IPC Action Points Update f) Ebola update: (Cont.) PAHO/WHO is using for emergency crisis a software developed years ago (LSS SUMA) and implemented actually in many countries (Middle East, Central America, Caribbean). ontent&view=article&id=49%3Alsssuma-used-to-deploy-supplies- for-pandemic&catid=35%3Aissue-112-october-2009-news-from- pahowho&Itemid=96&lang=en Interactive presentation and report from the field during the IPC meeting.
IPC Action Points Update g) Inter Agency Emergency Health Kits (Action WHO): Review of the IEHK composition: Meeting in Geneva end of June 2015 Second revision meeting planned Q1 2016; Alignment with 19th WHO EML. Revised PEP and Malaria module share with partners for comments by the end September 2015; validation in November 2015. Experts group met in November to discuss the inclusion of NCD medicines in the IEHK and the development of a new NDC kit
IPC Action Points Update h) Inter Agency Statement on the added value of PQ: (Action WHO and all) PQ Interagency statement has been consolidated after rounds of consultations with IPC members; suggestions and comments incorporated. “Clean” version presented for endorsement during the IPC Meeting.
World Health Organization IPC Action Points Update 19 November, 2018 i) NRA Assessment Work: (Action WHO/RHT) 2nd WHO International Consultation hold in Geneva end of November to develop the harmonized assessment Tool and discuss the assessment process. Several Meetings with WHO Regional advisers, Technical partners and donors, regulatory agencies, industry and observers. Objectives: (1) Internal WHO coordination (2) Coordination of work among partners and priorities for support; (3) Assessment policy, methodology and global assessment tool and (4) feedback to industry Outcomes will be presented during the IPC Meeting.