Homework English May 02-06 2016
Traer 25 tarjetas blancas 1° Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Traer 25 tarjetas blancas no homework
2° Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Traer 25 tarjetas blancas No homework
3° Mr. Eulises Farfan Make a new sentence with each key word: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Complete the following sentences using be going to in their answer. Are you going to walk to home after school? Are you going to study later? Are you going to do anything? Are you going to bring your lunch tomorrow? No homework Make a new sentence with each key word: flight, satellite, observe, spacewalk. No class Write ten words followed by the syllable ar, or and ore
4° Mr. Eulises Farfan No homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Answer the following questions using prepositions: What do you like to do on the weekend? What time do you get up? Where do you like to do? Who goes with you to the school? No homework Complete the following sentences using the key words: orchard, homestead, settler, pioneer and chapel. The ____families were the first people to move west. We knew there was at least one ____in the valley. The jones family live on a ____a piece of land where they farmed. The preacher married the man and woman in the chur´s ______ No class Write ten words followed by the syllable ar, or and ore.
5° Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Write five sentences about your day using subordinating conjunctions from bellow After although as because before Write five sentences with one preposition from the list below. On at in between from under inside Write a paragraph using at list four words that have the /j/ sound spelled g. you can choose words from below. Gem general generous Genius geography giraffe Giant ginger NO CLASS Write five sentences using the present perfect tense. Share your ideas whit a family member.
6° Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Complete the sentences below with the correct form of going to or will. Senad ____ approach the angry dog. Matt ______ go to Spain this summer. There _____ be a storm. The sky is black. Our teacher ______ give us a test. Rewrite each of the following sentences as an imperative. You will be home on time, You will read every day. You must work hard. Change the quoted speech below into a reported speech. “How do we get threw?” Mary asked. Sidney said, “Stand over there.” Roger said, “I’m not tired.” No Class Identify which sentence is active voice and which is passive voice. The document was signed by everyone. ______ Mice eat cheese. _________ Seeds are eaten by birds. ________ The flowers were grown by our neighbors. _______