Welcome to Texas History!
Dark Water Rising by Marian Hale If you ordered a book, they will be distributed to students before the start of the novel unit Books can still be ordered in the library tonight. Mrs. Landry and Mrs. Jordan will be collecting money and order forms in the library. (checks only)
Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith If you ordered a book, they will be distributed to students before the start of the novel unit Books can still be ordered in the library tonight. Mrs. Landry and Mrs. Jordan will be collecting money and order forms in the library. (checks only)
Schoology Parent access codes will be distributed 4th period I will have on there: Notes Discussion Boards Due dates for assignments Test/quiz dates Various assignments
Supplies Binder Spiral Notebook Pens (blue or black ink) or Pencils 5 Dividers Keepers Warm-ups In-Class Activities Graded work Warm Ups Spiral Notebook Pens (blue or black ink) or Pencils Colored PEN for checking assignments Thin black sharpie for map labeling Colored Pencils Scissors/Glue Post-it notes Planner
Two Semester Course Class Work Homework Quizzes Tests Projects Open Note Pop Quizzes Reading Quizzes Warm-Up Quizzes Progress Check Quizzes (summative) Tests Projects
Typical Class Period 1. Turn in Homework 2. Discussion over Essential Question or previous topics (Warm-up) 3. Notes or Activity 4. Group Work/Discussion 5. Individual Work reviewing topics discussed in class
Responsibilities of the Student Keep a planner Bring binder and spiral every day Keep papers in proper section of binder Makeup work or notes that you miss Checking the class website or Schoology Come to tutoring if you want or need clarification on notes/work
Contact Information Email: jeremy.miller@humble.k12.tx.us Email is most efficient method of first contact. Also check Schoology for updates
Tutoring Times Wednesday Mornings 7:45-8:25 Friday afternoons 4:05-4:45
Grading Formative: 40% Summative: 60% Class Work Quizzes Homework Tests (unit tests & progress check quizzes) Projects
Late Work Policy If you do not turn in an assignment, a “Z” will be put into the grade book until it is turned in. If you are absent, an “A” will be put in the grade book until the assignment is turned in. If you don’t turn it in on assigned day, a “Z” will be assigned until you turn it in. Once you have turned in a late assignment, you are expected to attend the next tutoring session to grade your work with me.
Late Work Policy 1 Day Late 2 Days Late 3 Days Late 4 Days Late 80% of grade earned 2 Days Late 60% of grade earned 3 Days Late 40% of grade earned 4 Days Late 20% of grade earned 5 Days Late 0 remains in grade book and a recommendation for Assignment Recovery will be given
Test Days Social Studies testing days are Monday and Wednesday Talking during a quiz or test, copying another student’s work or allowing someone to copy work will result in a “0” and an office referral will be written