Amazon Rain Forest Case Study
Parties Involved (All Permanent Residents of the Rain Forest): Loggers – Who want to cut down trees to make a profit for the company and for the livelihood of their employees. Farmers – Who want to have space to plant their crops to support their families. Environmentalists – Who want to protect the environment, the plants, and the animals of the Rain Forest.
The Decision Maker The Land Use Committee (Mrs. Mabe, Chairperson) – Will listen to the presentations of all parties and facilitate a debate in order to formulate a decision about the best use of the rain forest land.
Your Task: Get together with your group to organize your thoughts for a presentation to the Land Use Committee. As the other groups present their information you should write down important points that you wish to address that will help get support for your cause. After all three groups present their information we will have an opportunity for each group to respond to the other groups in a debate format.
Things to Present to the Committee: What is it that you want to do with the land? What do you want the committee to allow you to do? Why should we allow you to do this? How will what you are asking for affect the environment and the economy? How will your land use affect the interests of the other two groups? How can you work with/compromise with the other two groups? What other important info. Do you want the committee to consider?
Procedure 5 minute presentation of all groups. Pause for a 4 minute work period to come up with a response and defend their position. 3 minute response for each group to defend their position. Pause for a 2 minute work period to come up with closing remarks. 2 minutes for closing remarks. After all questions have been asked, the committee will have the opportunity to ask any other clarifying questions and then a decision will be made.
Find A Compromise The Committee is not pleased with the proposals of any of the three groups. So, we request that you find a way to compromise with the other groups. Meet with one member from each of the three groups and discuss a Compromise Plan. For Homework write down your individual Compromise Plan.