The Great Depression
I) Pre-Stock Market Crash A) Economy seemed strong B) Less than 4% of American unemployed -1930: More than doubles -1931: Quadruples to 16% (over 8 million)
II) Factors of the Great Depression 1) Stock Crash 2) Overproduction Items made too fast Supply/Demand Lay off workers
II) Factors of the Great Depression (cont.) 3) Banks out of business Bought on credit Can’t pay back 4) Foreign Countries - Still in debt - Don’t buy products
Recall What were the four factors that led to the Great Depression? Which factor do you think was the most important?
III) Farmers A) Post WWI Not “Roaring 20’s” Financial difficulty
III) Farmers B) Crop prices Can’t support families Plow more lands
III) Farmers C) Dust Bowl Drought happens, dries soil Plain winds cause dust storms Farmers forced to relocated
IV) African Americans A) North B) South Lost jobs to white “Last hired, first fired” B) South Sharecroppers in fields Farmer troubles
V) Women Lost jobs Business owners: important to hire married men
Partner Discussion Overall, who had the worst Great Depression experience: Farmers, African Americans, or women?
VI) America Overall A) Lost Confidence
VI) America Overall B) Uncertainty about future Businesses: no new investments Employed: worried about losing jobs Unemployed: No hope
VI) America Overall C) Breadlines free food Symbol of Depression
Summarize Write a two sentence summary about American’s experience during the Great Depression.