What do you think when you see this quote? Said by Dwight D. Eisenhower What do you think when you see this quote?
Planning Soviets had done most fighting in Europe Stalin wanted a U.S. and G.B. attack Churchill nervous Couldn’t cross Channel because of U-Boats Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin meet in Teheran, Iran November, 1943 Massive Allied invasion to be called Operation Overlord
Invasion of Normandy Supreme Commander – Eisenhower Involved 21 American divisions and 26 British, Canadian, and Polish divisions Strike beaches of Normandy Code names: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword Patton’s fictional army in southeast England Across from the area of Calais in France Russia had no troops that were involved, Fictional Army- Literal Cardboard Cutouts, radio traffic, unusable ships and existed on paper-Bring up the movie the Patriot!
Beaches of Normandy CALAIS 1=Utah (American), 2=Omaha (American), 3=Gold (British), 4=Juno (Canadian), and 5=Sword (British)
Timeline of D-Day 00:00 Hours 03:00 Hours 04:00 Hours Airborne Landing Begins Paratroopers were to take care of roads and bridges Darkness and foreign territory killed many 03:00 Hours Heavy Bombing Raids Massive raids against German defense positions 04:00 Hours Allied Invasion Fleet Arrives 3,000 landing craft, 2,500 ships and 500 naval vessels arrive Go thru this as the day in the life of a student
Timeline Cont. 06:30 Hours 07:25 Hours 12:00 Hours U.S. Landings Begin Land at Utah and Omaha Tide carried the landing craft away from targets at Utah Most opposition at Omaha Beach-Many casualties 07:25 Hours British and Canadian Landings Begin Land at Gold, Juno, and Sword 12:00 Hours British and Canadian forces push inland 200 Americans killed and wounded at Omaha and only gained 2,000 yards By the time you would eat lunch the fighting started to push farther inland away from the beaches, Most casualties were suffered at Omaha Beach
Timeline Cont. 16:00 Hours Hitler Authorizes German Counter Attack Realized that the real attack was not at Calais North France Sent 1st Panzer Corps Total Landed Troops: 130,000 by sea and 29,000 by air
War Correspondence on D-Day http://www.history.com/speeches/war-correspondent-reports-on-d-day-invasion#war-correspondent-reports-on-d-day-invasion
End of D-Day D-Day was seen as a successful, but also unsuccessful Victory Allies landed in France Could start their advances- 2 front war Strategic surprise Not necessarily a victory Many soldiers lost their lives D-Day did not go as planned D-Day- Soldiers washed away because of the tide, Paratroopers blew away
Assignment Create a timeline of your day Have increments of 1 hour-2 hours Start at 12:00 AM and go until 11:59 PM