What is the Big6? Data collected Introduction What is the Big6? Data collected The Big6 is data collected from thousands of students showed that were taught informative nonfiction using Big6 approach with a combination of analytical, creative, and practical activities .Nongoko Nomasomi 197034608,email :pushululu@webmail.co.za
Big 6 has six stages The stages of Big 6 are called Big task. The stages of Big 6 are the following: Task definition, Information seeking, Location and Access, Use of Information, Synthesis and Evaluation.
Task definition Define the information problem Identify information needed In this stage is whereby defining problem and identifying information needed.
Information Seeking strategies Movies Journal Information seeking strategies is whereby deciding to look at the entertainment section of the newspaper to determine the showing times of movies, current journal.
Location & Access Locate sources intellectually and physically Find information within sources Is whereby using an online index to search for appropriate periodicals articles and finding articles online and in print.
Use of information Articles Notes In this stage is about reading articles and typing notes directly into word processing program and noting sources.
Evaluation Judge of the product Judge the process Evaluation is the final step in Big6 process, is one of the important task for college student.
Synthesis Sales data spreadsheet In synthesis is whereby using word, processor, creating an outline, then a draft of the essay. Using an electronic spreadsheet program to combine the various sales data and generating chart on the spreadsheet.Nongoko Nomasomi 197034608 pushululu@webmail.co.za