British Imperialism in India The “Jewel in the Crown”
Caste System: “Class” System Brahmins-Priests, scholars, philosophers Kshatriyas-warriors, rulers, defense & adminstrators Vaishyas-Merchants, traders, farmers Shudras-laborers, servants Below the Caste system Pariahs-”Untouchables” menial laborers, deal with the dead, the latrines, etc.
The British East India (BEI) Trading Company CAUSE: Through 1600s BEI set up trading posts at Bombay, Madras, & Calcutta, but the Mughal (Muslim)Dynasty kept European traders under control. By 1707 Mughal Empire was collapsing. One by one the maharajahs (an Indian prince) broke away. In 1757 Robert Clive & the company’s private troops (sepoys) defeated the Indian fortress at the Battle of Plassey. EFFECT: BEI gains control of India.
Building the Infrastructure CAUSE: Br build a railroad network throughout India EFFECT: RRs transport raw product from the interior to the ports and manufactured goods from the coast to the interior. India became more profitable for Br the “jewel in their crown.” India developed a modern economy and becomes geographically united.
Cycle of Poverty CAUSE: Br restricted Indian owned industries such as cotton textiles and reduced food production in order to plant more cash crops. EFFECT: Villagers are no longer self-sufficient. Food production declines and famine sets in.
The Indians Rebel: Sepoy Mutiny CAUSE:By 1850 Br control most of India. In 1857 the sepoys (Indian troops fighting for the Br, both Hindus & Muslims) mutiny and uprisings spread over much of India. EFFECTS: Br. Gov’t assumes DIRECT control of India called the RAJ from l857 to 1947. Racism & mutual distrust intensifies.
Indian National Movements CAUSE: Reformers (Rom Mohun Roy)called for India to modernize and change some cultural and religious practices. Nationalistic feelings grow. Indians began to resent discrimination by the British. EFFECT: Hindus form the Indian National Congress in 1855 and the Muslims form the Muslim League in 1906. Both eventually call for self-government.
The Partition of Bengal CAUSE: 1905 the Br RAJ partitions Bengal (the province acquired from France in 1763) into Hindu and Muslim sections. EFFECT: As acts of terrorism broke out, the Br were forced to divide the province in a different way in order to avoid open rebellion.
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