Father, We Love You.


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Presentation transcript:

Father, We Love You

Father, we love You, We worship and adore you Father, we love You, We worship and adore you. Glorify Your Name in all the earth Father, We Love You

Chorus: Glorify Your Name, Glorify Your Name Glorify Your Name in all the earth Father, We Love You

Verse 2: Jesus, we love You We worship and adore You, Glorify Your Name in all the earth Father, We Love You

Chorus: Glorify Your Name, Glorify Your Name Glorify Your Name in all the earth Father, We Love You

Verse 3: Spirit, we love You, We worship and adore You, Glorify Your Name in all the earth Father, We Love You

Chorus: Glorify Your Name, Glorify Your Name Glorify Your Name in all the earth Father, We Love You