Story: Alvin Ailey Kids Week of Nov. 14, 2016 Issue # 5 2nd 9 Weeks Mrs. Castellano's Class Library Book Weekly Objectives Read library book everyday. Homework Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math- 2D and 3D shapes. Science – Earth Resources- Fresh/Salt water. Social Studies – Continents and oceans. Monday–Holiday. Read your fluency folder story “Bugsicles,” Read library book. Sign folder. No math. Tuesday–1. Write the spelling words in alphabetical order (ABC).2. Write a sentence for spelling words. (1-7) 4. Fluency folder.5.Read Library book and sign folder. Wednesday–1. Write a sentence for spelling words 8 to 15. Write a sentence for all vocabulary words.3. Math sheet. Fluency folder 5. Read Library Book and sign folder. Thursday–1. Have your parents give you a practice spelling word test. Practice using your vocabulary words with your family members.2. Math. Fluency folder and book. Write definitions for spelling words. Friday-Read for (20) twenty minutes each day using your library book everyday. Sign your folder. Read on the weekends. TESTING ALL DAY. No absences, please. Thank you for taking your children to the doctor after 10:00am. Spelling Words Pattern: R-Controlled sounds: ir, er,ur Shirt, dirt, turn, her, first, girl, term, germ, fern, fur, sure, turtle, herd, never, perfect Vocabulary Words Story: Alvin Ailey Kids 1. Perform: to act, sing, dance in front of an audience. 2.Effort: to try hard. Do your best. 3.Remember: to keep something in the past in your mind. 4.Mood: how you feel: happy, sad, mad. 5.Proud: to feel good about doing a good job. Home Project #2 Paper Mache Continents Globe Family Project: A letter with instructions was sent home in your child’s agenda on November 9, 2016. This project is due no later than __________. The project will take 3-4 days to make. You will truly enjoy it! Have students practice knowing their continents. They will get tested. Students will present their projects for a grade. We will grade based on quality work and knowledge. Important Dates: Continue coming to istation at 7:05am. November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break. No classes. Classes resume Nov. 28, 2016. Please no absences. THANK YOU. Fieldtrip to the zoo: Nov 29, 2016. Only parents with background checks can join us. Please let me know if you would like to help us.