Welcome to the Fall 2017 Region I Workshop!
Information Restrooms Agenda Introductions
Bonnie Pirkle Scholarship The Bonnie L Pirkle Memorial Scholarship program has been assisting Florida students since 1997, when it was officially formed. The first scholarship was awarded at the spring 1997 conference. Since that time, the FASFAA organization has awarded a scholarship annually. Since we will now be going into our 21st year of awarding the Bonnie Pirkle scholarship, here is a brief history to explain how and why this scholarship was originally created. Bonnie started in a small school in Georgia in 1970. She worked very hard, starting out as Secretary at Hall School of Nursing in Gainesville, GA. Starting as the Nursing Department’s Secretary, she rose to become the school’s Director of Student Services. In 1980, she moved to Florida to begin her career in financial aid, serving at Daytona State Community College, now Daytona State College, as the Assistant Director of Financial Aid. She later moved on to become the Director at Central Florida Community College and Seminole Community College. In 1994, she moved to Chase Education Finance Center as Account Representative in Florida where she worked diligently with schools across the state to continue to assist students with funding education. Bonnie was a committed professional and exemplified the spirit of FASFAA. She was a mother and grandmother, as well as a fierce friend. She made herself available to everyone and assisted friends, family and colleagues both personally and professionally. She was the life of the party and during many many FASFAA, SASFAA and NASFAA conferences, she was who you would want to be with. Her smile and down to earth personality naturally afforded her the opportunity to speak to anyone and they would listen. Bonnie was taken from us on August 31,1994 from colon cancer and was just 53 years old. The FASFAA board members at the time quickly saw a way to continue her mission to serving students through the creation of this wonderful scholarship opportunity. The original endowment is set aside so that FASFAA can continue to award scholarships annually. The funds collected through workshops, conferences, raffles, and donations afford FASFAA the opportunity to continue this endeavor that was so important to Bonnie. Today we are now able to award seven scholarships annually to assist students in all regions of the state of Florida. Each regional representative will have the opportunity to provide a scholarship to their respective region. Today you can contribute to this wonderful opportunity through our regional raffle. It is through your giving and support that FASFAA can continue to expand this wonderful endeavor. Kind regards, Tracy Wiles, Scholarship Chair, FASFAA
Background Created in 1998 to memorialize Bonnie L Pirkle, who gave immensely to the financial aid community during her years of service From 1998 to 2015, the FASFAA President has awarded an annual scholarship to their institution Funds are collected throughout the FASFAA organization by donations and raffles and then added to our endowment account to maintain equity in the program In 2017, the FASFAA board agreed to expand the service of this scholarship to further assist students in our state with 7 scholarships being awarded to our elected officials serving their term on the FASFAA board. The scholarship will be awarded to the respective school associated with the person servicing in office, which means that each region will be represented going forward. Presidents award Treasurer and Secretary’s award Regional Representatives award
New for 2017 The FASFAA board has agreed to expand the service of this scholarship to further assist students in our state. 7 scholarships awarded Presidents award Treasurer and Secretary’s award Regional Rep award. This means that each region will be represented going forward. Scholarship will be awarded to the respective school associated with the person servicing the term in office.
Today’s Raffle Today we will sponsor a 50/50 raffle. So that means you can earn 50% of the pot collected here today. Tickets $1 for 1 Ticket $5 for 6 Tickets $10 for 15 Tickets Pay by cash or check… please make checks payable to FASFAA, memo field add Bonnie L Pirkle Scholarship raffle Please consider giving to this wonderful cause and support FASFAA Scholarship through the Bonnie L Pirkle Scholarship Award.