ELectrolysis for Hydrogen Production by way of Sustainable Energy G-ELHYPSE Project ELectrolysis for Hydrogen Production by way of Sustainable Energy Jérôme Gosset1, Lydie Tchicaya², Béatrice Sala3, Mercedes Bano4, Paul Howard5, Christophe Bidault², Serge De Perthuis3, Thomas Salles3 Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of massive H2 production by way of water electrolysis using nuclear energy, competitively to the SMR process. 1 – AREVA DRI – 1 place Jean Millier 92084 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX - FRANCE 2 – Helion Domaine du petit Arbois – batiments Jule Verne – BP 71 – 13545 Aix en Provence Cedex 4 - FRANCE 3 – AREVA NP Engineering and Construction - 10 rue Juliette Recamier 69456 Lyon Cedex 06 – FRANCE Technical Center - BP 13 – 71380 Saint Marcel - FRANCE Technical Center Detached at IEM - place Eugene Bataillon – 34095 Montpellier - FRANCE 4 – AREVA TA BP 09 – 13115 Saint Paul Lez Durance - FRANCE 5 – AREVA T&D Technology Center – St Leonards Avenue – Stafford –ST17 4LX - UK Technical challenges: generic roadmap From electrolysis technology… Cell efficiency + durability (electrolyte conductivity, catalysts efficiency, stability vs corrosion) Material knowledge Stack efficiency (fluids, heat, mass transfer management, Mechanical assembly, Gas tight conception) Current Status Study of various electrolysis technologies in order to validate the most promising concept Alkaline technology Study of mature technology of high power level SOEC Technology Mid term solution engaged in a validation process to ensure the gain of electrical performance. The development of a low CO2 hydrogen solution opens the doors of new markets. Improved electrical efficiency by using High temperature electrolysis allows a reduction of production cost. Thermo mechanical, thermo hydraulic, gasketing and assembly knowledge Module architecture (stack association, process management ) Electrochemical and thermodynamic processes knowledge Plant definition (module association, process management ) …to nuclear H2 plant solutions Plant process, regulation and safety knowledge HTSE STACK development Demonstrate the feasibility of HTSE hydrogen generation Increase the stack power range Plant definition Study of hydrogen massive production plant using High Temperature electrolysis or alkaline electrolysis Design of the plant: Preliminary Definition of the component: Heat Exchanger, Pump… Different HTSE stacks are modeled. Flow sheet of high temperature electrolysis plant and alkaline plant to ensure technical feasibility Proposition and selection of sealing concepts based on various prototypes Improvement of electric interface to stack Finite element modeling: electrochemistry thermo hydraulic Realistic scenario deployment retained for HTSE plant: EPRTM use in a cogeneration mode: Production targeted: 500 t/d of H2 Electrical Input: 720 MW Thermal Energy extracted: 140 MW at 240°C HTSE 0.5 kW electrolyser using SOEC membranes has produced hydrogen during 500h HTSE plant design report will be issued at mid year 2009 Techno-economics comparison Study of hydrogen production cost for low temperature and high temperature technologies Conclusions Stack architectures developed are on the stage of concept validation. Selection criteria and development priorities have been identified Degradation modes have been identified and partially described. Key components definition are almost finalized, to allow cost calculations The higher investment cost for HTSE due to the high temperature (800°C) can be balanced by the lower electrical consumption. Investment reduction levers will arise from precise cost estimation. Alkaline consumption HTSE consumption Estimation of Hydrogen Cost production by HTSE will be performed at the end of 2009