Pluperfect and Future Perfect
Pluperfect Tense As far back into the past as you can go “I had done this” 3rd principal part + imperfect of sum Amaveram amaveramus Amaveras amaveratis Amaverat amaverant
Future Perfect Tense As far back into the future as you can go “I will have done this” 3rd principal part + future of sum Amavero amaverimus Amaveris amaveritis Amaverit amaverint *3rd plural changes u to i, so it doesn’t match perfect tense
Convoco, -are, -avi, -atus Exspecto, -are, -avi, -atus WORD DEFINITION DERIVATIVE Amicitia, -ae (f.) Ara, -ae (f.) Dominus, -i (m.) Frumentum, -i (n.) Inopia, -ae (f.) Locus, -i (m.) Magister, magistri (m.) Populus, -i (m.) Socius, socii (m.) Convoco, -are, -avi, -atus Exspecto, -are, -avi, -atus Nuntio, -are, -avi, -atus friendship altar Master, lord grain Need, lack place Master, teacher Nation, a people Companion, ally To call together To wait for, expect To announce, report
Amicitia inopia convoco Ara locus exspecto Dominus magister nuntio Frumentum populus do
Convocaverint Nuntiaveras Exspectavistis Laudavero Occupaverunt Dederam Stetit Ambulavimus Amaveritis narraverat
I had flown Y’all will have loved They have fought We announced You had called together She had praised They will have waited I stood It will have seized Y’all had given
Synopses narro, -are, -avi, -atus (3rd person plural) Laudo, -are, -avi, -atus (1st person plural) Do, dare, dedi, datus (2nd person singular)
The teachers were unhappy when the boys had fought. After a year, the messenger will not have announced a lack of grain. We live in a free nation. Many masters were unfriendly to the slaves, but we loved the friendship of our lord. The women had brought grain to the altars of the goddesses.
Vocab Game!
Socius Amicitia