HOMO Meaning: Example Word: Same Homonym- a word with the same pronunciation as another but with a different meaning, origin, and usually spelling
SPEC Meaning: Look Example Word: Spectacles- eye glasses
DUCT Meaning: Example Word: Lead Conduct- to act as a leader or director
FER Meaning: Example Word: Carry Transfer- to move from one place to another
PEND Meaning: Example Word: Hang Pendant- something that hangs down (necklace)
MICRO Meaning: Example Word: Small Microscope- used for enlarging images of small objects
HYDRO Meaning: Example Word: Water Dehydrate- to lose water or body fluids
PHOTO Meaning: Example Word: Light Photography- producing images on to a surface by using light
PAN Meaning: Example Word: All Panorama- a full view in every direction
PENTA Meaning: Five Example Word: Pentagon- five sided polygon
TELE Meaning: Example Word: Far Telescope – instrument for viewing distant objects
VID Meaning: Example Word: Look Video- images displayed on a computer or T.V. screen
OMNI Meaning: Example Word: All Omnivore- an organism that eats both plants and animals
EX Meaning: Out Example Word: Exit- the act of going out or away
POLY Meaning: Example Word: Many Polygon- a figure that has 3 or more sides
RE Meaning: Example Word: Again Revise- to change something that has already been written or printed
HYP Meaning: Example Word: Under Hypothermia- reduction of body temperature to abnormally low level
PSEUDO Meaning: False Example Word: Pseudonym- false name
NEURO Meaning: Example Word: Nerve Neurology- study of the structure and function of the nervous system
TOMY Meaning: Example Word: Cut Tonsillectomy- the removal of the tonsils
HEMA Meaning: Example Word: Blood Hematology- branch of biology that deals with the blood
PROTO Meaning: Example Word: First Prototype- an original model on which something is patterned
PHON Meaning: Example Word: Sound Telephone- instrument used for transmitting and receiving sounds
MONO Meaning: Example Word: One Monarchy- A government run by one person
VIV Meaning: Example Word: Life Revive- to bring back or come back to life