Reform Research Project Unit 6 - PreIB
HOMEWORK – OTHER TRAGEDIES/DISASTERS Your homework from last class was to find another tragedy/disaster that resulted in reforms for public safety/workplace conditions. You should have your research out on your desk, whether you wrote it down or printed it. RALLY ROBIN: Share your results with your shoulder partner. I HAVE, WHO HAS? Who else chose the same tragedy/disaster? Group up! RALLY ROBIN: Pair up and discuss. Turn in your topic paper.
RESEARCH QUESTION: What safety procedures and/or workplace rules are the result of the tragedy/disaster you selected? TEAM ROLES: (Min. 2 people, Max. 4) You will be working with a group to accomplish a research activity/presentation. You will need: A minimum of 4 primary sources A minimum of 2 secondary sources A visual presentation (powerpoint, prezi, video, poster, etc) An activity to teach the class (less than 10 minutes) Your classmates must be able to understand the central idea of your lesson and be able to answer the research question based off your lesson A page of your sources (known as a works cited page) Essentially, you are taking the role of the teacher and coming up with a mini lesson to teach the class. Remember, you are not only teaching us about the event/reform but you need to show knowledge of central idea, point of view, author’s purpose, and text structure.
YOUR PROJECT … You and your project team will be presenting some kind of visual aid of your choice: Poster Presentation board Powerpoint or Prezi Video, etc. It must include the name of the disaster/tragedy, what happened, why it happened, and the reforms that resulted from it. It should be cleanly presented, neat, with photos/pictures. Your team will also be leading the class in a “mini-lesson” that will “teach” your classmates about the reforms you researched and what the central idea of your sources is. This “lesson” should only take a few minutes to complete. Think of different ways teachers check their students for understanding. It should only take a few minutes to do.
Today’s Tasks to Accomplish: 1. Establish team roles 2. Establish your plan of action (What will you accomplish?) 3. Submit your plan to Miss Morales in the form of a proposal on a sheet of paper DUE DATES FOR PRESENTATION: Thursday 2/4/16 (3, 5), Friday 2/5/16 (4, 6) Group Members Names Class Period Today’s Date Research Project Research Topic Group Roles P.O.A: What will you be accomplishing? What are your ideas for your lesson? How will you teach the class the central idea? What materials do you think you will need in order to successfully teach the class?
TODAY’S TASKS TO ACCOMPLISH: As you start your research, answer the following questions: a. What are the reforms that were the result of the event you chose? Be VERY specific. b. What will your classmates learn after your presentation? This is your team’s “Learning Goal” for your “students”. c. What is the central idea of your lesson? d. Why is it important that we know about this event and the reforms that resulted? Your lesson plan – Please provide a detailed list (in chronological order) of what your team will be presenting. Keep in mind each team only has 10 minutes to present. As you find and decide which primary and secondary sources to use for your research, begin creating your works cited/bibliography page.
TODAY’S TASKS TO ACCOMPLISH: You should begin your visual aid if you haven’t already. Make sure your visual aid includes … a. relevant pictures or photos b. name of the event c. mention of why and how it happened d. the primary reforms that resulted from the event You should be working on your lesson. How will your “students” demonstrate that they have learned the central idea of your presentation? If you will be needing any materials, today is the day to ask Miss Morales for what you need. Complete the survey in complete sentences on eCampus. Make sure you only respond to the role you have taken on for the project. This is due before you leave today.