Street Use Data Report Overview DPD,SDOT,SPU,SCL SPECIAL MEETING ON PERMIT ACTIVITY, FORECASTING INFORMATION & APPROACHES Cathi Greenwood, Danielle Priest February 9, 2015
Report mechanics Objective: Consistent and reliable reports with fully automated update of numbers so analyst focuses on data validation and analysis As needed: Capture data in data store using MS Access ODBC connections and queries (copy/paste when no connection) ODBC connections and linked Access tables: Transform specific sets of data for report source Excel: Link to report source, pivot data, and create dashboard report that is as easy to update as Data > Refresh All 2
Development process: Ideal With business leads: 1. Identify goals 2. Identify measures of goal Develop report system: 1. Pull consistent and reliable data with Access queries 2. Link Excel to Access 3. Create easy-to-update dashboard Get approval for report draft from: 1. Business leads 2. Management 3
Development process: Urgent Via management, Director requests specific report Develop report system: 1. Pull consistent and reliable data with Access queries 2. Link Excel to Access 3. Create easy-to-update dashboard Get approval for report draft from: 1. Business leads 2. Management 4
Current reports Title Monthly Metrics Reports Type Volume (and in very small part performance) Frequency Monthly Audience Management, leads Purpose Trends in volume of revenue-affecting use issuances History Historically called “Monthly Performance Reports” and “Permit Application Volume” 2013: Data store created and back-end redesigned to use data store (Mary Alyce Eugene) 2014: Front-end redesigned to use Excel dashboards (Cathi Greenwood) 2015: Names changed for accuracy (Cathi Greenwood) Next Step Business lead and management approval of name changes Business lead input on January numbers to update analytical notes 5
Reports in development Title Online (OLP)/PDF On-Time Report Type Volume and performance Frequency Weekly Audience Director’s Office, management, leads, admins Purpose All online and paper applications are responded to within 2 business days Relationship between volume and response performance Equitable treatment for online and PDF applicants History Online permit report published weekly since at least 2009 Summer 2014: Online permitting restricted to pre-qualified applicants; PDF applications introduced for non-qualified Fall and Winter 2014/2015: Director’s office requests permit volume and performance for application by work type and submission method Next Step Additional data collection, Business lead review 13
Reports in development Title Enforcement Actions Type Volume Frequency Weekly Audience Director’s Office, management, leads Purpose Volume of enforcement actions Change over time related to resources and initiatives History Winter 2015: Director’s office requests reports on enforcement and inspections Next Step Additional data collection, Business lead review 15
Reports in development Title Weekly Activity Report Type Volume and performance Frequency Weekly Audience Director’s Office, management, leads Purpose Comparison of permit applications to permit issuance Change over time of use issuance vs extensions Average time from application to use issuance by use type History Spring 2013: Applicant Services request: show business change from x permits/x issuance fees to x extensions/1 issuance fee Fall 2014: Director’s office request: weekly report on permit volume by type; version 1 published–applications and issuance volumes Winter 2015: Director’s office request: change to compare applications to permit issuance; additional detail needed to show that applications are not issued in the same week Next Step Additional data collection, Business lead review 17
Reports in development Title Weekly Permit Services Volume and Wait Times Type Volume and performance Frequency Weekly Audience Director’s Office, management, leads Purpose Monitor and compare visit volumes to previous year Track counter wait time performance History Fall 2014: Director’s office request: weekly report on counter visits and wait times Winter 2015: Director’s office comments show that 3- and 4-day weeks are being compared to 5-day weeks; Permit Services is concerned that average wait times do not accurately reflect their staffing issues Next Step Redesign to add average visits /day, add average wait times by check-in type 19
Reports in development Title Monthly Permit Services Volume and Wait Times Type Volume and performance Frequency Monthly Audience Management, leads Purpose Monitor and compare visit volumes to previous year Track counter wait time performance History Data source (Street Use Sign-In (SUSI)) modified in July 2013 and February 2014; Original embedded calculations lost Redesigned in July 2013 to use ODBC connection instead of copy/paste into data store Redesigned December 2014 to match new report style Redesigned in February 2014 for new check-in types and process Next Step Redesign for 2015 and compare to previous year 21
Reports in development Title Urban Forestry Permit Volumes and Count of Permitted Trees Type Volume Frequency Monthly Audience Management, leads Purpose Monitor permit volume Show relationship of permit volume to uses History Historically not included in monthly reports because no revenue August 2013: Permit types changed, allowing tracking of types of tree uses Summer 2014: Created Urban Forestry Hansen 7 report system Winter 2015: Historical tree uses provided Next Step Redesign back-end to include historical tree uses Redesign front-end for 2015 and for annual comparisons Document and hand off to Urban Forestry 23
Reports in development Title Urban Forestry Permit Volumes and Count of Permitted Trees Type Volume Frequency Weekly Audience Director’s Office, management, leads Purpose Monitor permit volume Show relationship of permit volume to uses History Fall 2014: Director’s office request: weekly report on Urban Forestry permit volumes Next Step Base data structure update needed for monthly reports Verify that permit volumes are permit and not use counts Add comparison to previous years Add average/day Provide better directions on updating chart scales Document and hand off to Urban Forestry 25