Pharaoh: *god on earth *supreme religious leader *absolute monarch *in charge of building projects, rituals, head of military
What do you think the two staffs represented that he/ she held?
Vizer: Top official to the pharaoh Government Officials: Collected taxes, judges, overseers for building projects, represented pharaoh throughout the land, wealthy Priest: Gave advice to pharaoh and carried out rituals on the pharaoh’s behalf. Shaved body and washed four times a day! Make up wigs shaving sun protection
What was that thing on noble the wealthy womans head?
As the morning sun appeared first over the horizon, the priests would intone the dawn hymn that began "Awake in peace, great god" (often the name of the specific god would be inserted herein). The most senior priest approached the sanctuary within the dimly lit temple, and break the door seal and open the sanctuary door. A ritual prayer would be spoken four time over the image of the god, giving the god back his soul so that he could reassert his physical earthly shape. The gods image was cleansed, rubbed with oil, and purified, its old garments removed, and incense burned to fumigate the sanctuary. The image was re-dressed in new linen garments of white, red, blue and green colors, had perfumes and cosmetics applied to his face, and was adorned with jewels. The breakfast meal was then laid out before the shrine and the god. There was bread, joints of meat, roasted fowl, baskets of fruit and vegetables and jars of beer and wine. All the offerings were prepared in the temple kitchens, using produce from the temple estates, awarded to the temple by the king, from tithes given by tenants of the estates, or from wealthy landowners. When animals were prepared for their meat, no blood was spilt on the gods altar, nor was the animal slaughtered in the sight of the god. Once the god had his fill, the food was removed, perhaps first to be placed before the shrines of lesser deities, and then returned to the kitchens to be distributed as wages to the temple personnel. The image and the entire sanctuary was then sprinkled with water, five grains of natron and resin were placed on the floor, and more incense wafted. The doors of the sanctuary were then closed and resealed. These rituals were performed three times, morning, noon and dusk, though the latter two were briefer. After the evening meal, the gods vestments were removed before the cult statue was returned to the shrine and the Evening Hymn was recited and/or sung.
Soldiers: Well-trained, used arrows, spears, chariots Soldiers: Well-trained, used arrows, spears, chariots. During peaceful times, they worked on building projects!
Scribe: Recorded court cases, taxes, wrote letters, kept histories, trained for up to 12 years!
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