Cultures and Lifestyles of United States and Canada
1-Why has the United States been called “a nation of immigrants?” The United States has attracted vast numbers of immigrants from around the world.
2-How has the pattern of United States immigration changed over time? Late 1700s/Early 1800s: Most immigrants came from Great Britain, Ireland, western and Central Africa and the Caribbean Late 1800s to the 1920s: Southern, central and eastern Europe, as well as China, Japan, Mexico and Canada
3-Why did Congress pass laws that banned or limited the number of immigrants to the United States? The diverse backgrounds of so many late-1800s immigrants caused some Americans to become concerned about cultural change.
4-In 1965, a law was passed that changed the Immigrations laws of the United States. According to this law, what were the requirements of entry to the United States? A person’s work skills and links to relatives already living in the United States.
5- By 2000, where did most immigrants come from? Latin America, Canada and Asia
European-Americans [68%] Latin Americans [15%] African-Americans [12%] 6-Using the information provided on the first paragraph on page 146, fill in the pie chart featuring the following groups: European-Americans, Latin Americans, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native Americans. European-Americans [68%] Latin Americans [15%] African-Americans [12%] Asian-Americans [4%] Native Americans [1%]
7-After English, what is the most spoken language in the United States? Spanish
8-Most religious Americans follow some form of ___________________________. Christianity
9-What are the two common themes in American literature 9-What are the two common themes in American literature? Provide examples for each. Theme One: The rich diversity of the people. Examples 1-Poet Langston Hughes and author Toni Morrison portray the triumphs and sorrows of African Americans. 2-The novels of Amy Tan examine the lives of Chinese-Americans 3-Oscar Hijuelos and Sandra Cisneros write about Latino-Americans
9-What are the two common themes in American literature 9-What are the two common themes in American literature? Provide examples for each. Theme Two: The landscape and history of particular regions. Examples 1- Mark Twain wrote books about life along the Mississippi River in the mid-1800s. 2-Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about the people of New England. 3-Willa Cather and Laura Ingalls Wilder portrayed the struggles faced by people settling the Great Plains. 4-William Faulkner wrote about life in the South.
10-What styles of music were created in the United States? Country music Blues and Jazz Rock and Roll Rap/Hip-hop
11-Why does Canada have difficulty achieving a strong sense of national identity? Canada’s vast distances and separate cultures cause some Canadians to feel more attached to their region than to Canada as a country.
12- Where do most French-Canadians live? QUEBEC Canadians of British ancestry make up ¼ of Canada’s population and live mainly in ONTARIO, the Atlantic Provinces and British Columbia
13- The indigenous people of Canada are descended from the area’s____________ First inhabitants
14- Canada has two official languages: French and English 14- Canada has two official languages: French and English. What is the term for a country with two official languages? bilingual
15- What do many French speakers in Quebec want to do in order to protect their language and culture? To separate from Canada and become an independent country
16-Why do the French speakers feel this way? They do not believe their language and culture can survive in largely English-speaking country.
17- How did Canada solve the cultural issue concerning the Inuits? The Canadian government created the territory of Nunavut.