Completing the Summer Term Final Practice
Primary Partnership Website As usual all our documents can be found on the primary partnership website: They are all protected by a single password – PYPGCE16 Available in word or pdf format
Student Wellbeing Loss of sleep/disturbed sleep Difficulty switching off Running on adrenaline Feeling rundown Reduction in social life/family time Changes in eating patterns – weight loss/gain, eating less healthily Little or no time for exercise Variations in confidence levels day by day Feelings of loneliness Difficulties in work-life balance Discomfort at being monitored by staff/university tutors Having to make a huge personal investment linked with physical, mental and emotional exhaustion This is a list of just some of the things our students may be experiencing at the moment. In addition there will be lots of students who have not yet secured a job for September who are beginning to stress about it. There are students who do not present any problems in the classroom but who you may be concerned about in terms of their well being. Please contact the student’s TP supervisor if you are concerned about well being so that we can put support into place.
Student Wellbeing The Mentor Standards Standard 1 - Personal qualities Establish trusting relationships, modelling high standards of practice, and understand how to support a trainee through initial teacher training. The mentor should: Be approachable, make time for the trainee, and prioritise meetings and discussions with them; use a range of effective interpersonal skills to respond to the needs of the trainee; offer support with integrity, honesty and respect; use appropriate challenge to encourage the trainee to reflect on their practice; and support the improvement of a trainee’s teaching by modelling exemplary practice in planning, teaching and assessment. Students have the most positive experiences when they are supported with time and active engagement by their mentors. In July 2016 a set of Mentor Standards were introduced. Mentor standard 1 refers directly to the personal qualities of mentors and the approaches that will work best in supporting student wellbeing. Thank you to mentors for their continued support.
Teaching across the curriculum Week 3 (Audit pg 23) Extract on slide from audit (week 3: week after half term when teaching steps up to 80%). During this placement students are required to take responsibility for a range of core subjects and foundation subjects. Foundation Stage students should be leading teaching and learning outside and taking responsibility for continuous provision. Students should be planning and teaching a range of lessons across the curriculum including PE. We are aware that in many schools PE is taken by someone other than the classteacher. If students are being formally observed teaching PE, that observation needs to be taken by/with a person who has QTS.
The RPD meeting An area for development for students is the completion of section 2 of their RPD form: showing that they are thinking carefully about pupil progress in all its forms. This is an example provided for students in the autumn term to (highlight two aspects; indicating what evidence has been reviewed and then documenting what it shows. It is important that section 2 of the RPD form ‘review of impact of teaching on pupil progress and learning’ is being filled in during RPD meetings. The evidence could include reference to pupil engagement and the progress of underperforming or vulnerable children.
Cause for Concern Process Set out on pages School Placement Guide (p 85 - 89) Is the student reflecting on their own practice, taking on board advice and making progress? Are you confident the student will be able to meet all the Teachers’ Standards by the end of the placement at a minimum level (NASBTT)? By this stage in the practice we need to escalate the process quickly if students are not making the expected progress and they are in danger of not meeting the Teachers Standards by the end of the practice.
Raising a Cause for Concern This should be raised as early as possible (Stage 1: SIR > Stage 3 formal C4C) Speak to the student about the areas in which they need to make progress and make contact with their UEA teaching practice supervisor to agree on the most appropriate course of action. Then document concerns and targets on student’s weekly RPD form and indicate that they are a ‘cause for concern’ Inform School Placement Administrator of the decision
What happens next (Stage 3)? An additional visit will be carried out by a different tutor from UEA before the final visit by the student’s UEA teaching practice supervisor. This tutor will observe the student teaching with a focus on the areas of concern. The tutor will meet with you to discuss the student’s progress. A final observation will be carried out by the UEA teaching practice supervisor and a judgement made as to whether the student has made enough progress to pass the placement.
Summative Assessment Point 2 – Part 1 Completed with the UEA teaching practice supervisor during their final visit. This is a summative assessment in the age range specified for this placement. The Standards are applied to the student’s ROLE and CONTEXT in which they are working.
The form should be filled in by the Class Teacher and UEA teaching Practice supervisor during the final placement visit. The highlighted NASBTT table should be used as a source of evidence and attached to the SAP2 form. Using the NASBTT table and reviewing students’ progress on a weekly basis will avoid students being surprised by the assessment as the evidence on which it is based will have been regularly discussed and reviewed! Extract shows how an assessment must be made on a BEST FIT basis in each aspect of each Teachers’ Standard.
This part of the form enables us to draw out relative areas of strength and for development. This is where we can acknowledge DIFFERENCES in student’s abilities in various aspects of the Standards or in different Standards. This is important due to the wide scope of each Standard.
We make one of two judgements at the end of this placement. NB. All assessments are provisional until the exam board. .
Summative Assessment Point 2 – Part 2 We also include a Part 2 of the SAP 2 form to be completed on the final day of the Teaching Practice, so we can acknowledge any progress made after final visit. It also is in place to ensure that students maintain quality in all aspects of their work until the very end of the practice.
School evaluation of the School B placement Highlight the value of feedback.
External Examiners •Observations of a range of students in a range of schools will happen during the week commencing 26th June. •A selection of students will be invited to discuss the course with external examiners on Tuesday 27 June at 4.30pm. •A few students may have an appointment at UEA if they have requested to speak with an external examiner. External examiners will be in the week commencing 26th June