Every bump, groove, and hole has a name on your bones BONE MARKINGS Every bump, groove, and hole has a name on your bones
Bone Markings Two types of bone markings: Projections (aka processes) that grow out from the bone Depressions (cavities) that indent the bone
Joint Projections Condyle: Rounded articular projection Condyle
Joint Projections Head: bony expansion on a narrow neck Facet: smooth, nearly flat articular surface
Joint Projections Ramus: Armlike bar of bone
Ligament/Tendon Projections Crest: Narrow ridge of bone (Line: smaller than a crest) Epicondyle: Raised area on or above a condyle ULNA
Trochanter: very large, blunt projection (only on femur) Spine: Sharp, pointed projection
DEPRESSIONS Allow blood vessels or nerves to pass through. Meatus: (me - A- tus) Canal or tube
Depressions Fossa: shallow basin 3) Fissure: narrow, slit-like opening
Depressions Sinus: Cavity within a bone; filled with air and lined with mucous membranes Foramen: Round or oval opening Foramen Magnum