Sutton Elementary Title I Kickoff Night September 6, 2017
Agenda Review of Year-to-Date Progress Purpose of Title 1 Funding Review Title 1 Plan and Budget for the 2017-18 School Year Current Academic Programs Preview activities that you and your student can join.
Our Staff K/1- Heidi Johnson 2/3- Rob Debach 3/4/5- Nicole Kelpe Special Education Teacher- Deborah Parsons Specialist- Laurie Bevan Admin Asst- Colleen Myers Custodian- Tammy Provo Nutrition Services- Devva Elmore
The Purpose of Title 1 Funding General Overview
Student Video
Title 1 Overview Purpose: Financial Assistance To Local Educational Agencies For The Education Of Children Of Low-Income Families Established in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act by President Johnson in 1965 Criteria: 45% of students must be eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch
Funding Requirements Two Target Areas Instruction Must be supplemental to Core/Required Programs Family Engagement Activities 2% of budget dedicated to this category Goal: Partner with Parents in Child’s Education
Current Academic Programs Edmentum Computer based program (Kelpe’s 3-5 class) Math- GoMath! (3rd year of the program) Reading and LA- Journeys (2nd year of program) Science- FOSS kits and work with Bethany Nichols in Enviro/Outdoor Ed Social Studies- Various according to grade level + Positive Action Capturing Kids’ Hearts
Goals for the Year Increase student attendance (we are currently at just over 90%) Provide physical fitness and academic options after school Engage parents further with student learning
Title 1 Budget - ~$23,587 Domain Expenditures Instruction $20,178 Parent Involvement $3,400 Total $23,587
Instruction Title 1 Expenditures Attendance & Reading Rocks Incentives Materials costs, Field Trip Entrance Fees, $1,100 Instructional Supplies Supplies for After School programs (instruments, snacks, archery equip, ) $3,149 Activity Bus Take Students home after school and on incentive field trips $7,100 Professional Development Outdoor Education Instructor Substitute Fees, Conference Fees $4,270 After School Program Stipends for instructors $3,360 Total $18,979
Parent Involvement $2,680 $1,981 $4,661 Title 1 Expenditures Food and Supplies for Parent Involvement Events Title 1 Kickoff Night Subway, Hot dogs for Winter Wellness, Pancakes for Breakfast with a loved one, Papa Murphy’s for Game Night $2,680 Star Tutor Support in the classrooms $1,981 Total $4,661
What Can You Do To Help? Be sure you student is here everyday and on time (9:15) Check in with your student daily, read with them daily, and encourage them to do their best! Participate in our Parent Engagement Activities!
Recommendations for changes? What new ideas might we consider? Please take a few moments to write down: Recommendations for changes? New ideas to consider.
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Let’s see what our $ bought last year! Thank you Mrs. Kelpe for making this great video!