Howard Elementary 2010-2011 Susan Tegen Literacy Staff Development Literacy Specialist
Interactive SmartBoard Idea Word Family Sort For Beginning and Struggling Readers
F & P Running Records Inter-Rater Reliability Review: Goal: 85%-90% Reliability Last Fall: 82% on “Level” Accuracy: 70% Comprehension: 35% We spent a year sharing, learning, growing about scoring, analyzing and teaching. Let’s check ourselves. Are we more consistent now??? Turn and talk – Share your thoughts about scoring comprehension. Comprehension Conversation for Bubbles, Level G. How would you score it now?
Strategic Actions: What do we want students to learn? If I am reading strategically, I am…monitoring and correcting. How do we know if they have learned these actions?
Here’s an overview of where we are going Here’s an overview of where we are going. This will be the focus of our next few meetings.
What do you notice about the child as a reader? What can you observe? Oral Reading, Comprehension Conversations & Running Records What do you notice about the child as a reader? What can you observe? Comprehension Accuracy Fluency Vocabulary Behavior REFER BACK to the Strategic Action Slide Accuracy: Are the errors meaning based or visual. Fluency: make note of things other than rate… child read through punctuation, read word-by-word, etc. Behavior: are they on task, do they fidget, how is their stamina, do they know how to handle a book?
What are some of the child’s strengths? What are some of the child’s needs? I DO Click on RR image WE DO YOU DO Link to CAFÉ… is comprehension a strength or a need. Give participants QUIET work time. 5-10 minutes of quiet work time before we share with a partner. SHARE with a partner. Analyze MSV on the Running Records
F&P Continuum of Learning What could I teach this child? What goal could you work on with this child? Three Main Resources: Harcourt Focus Skills F&P Continuum of Learning (& Prompting Guide) CAFÉ – Strategies Resources: prompting guide, CAFÉ menu, Pg. 153 CAFÉ book (from assessment to conferring)
Turn & Talk Reflection: What are my strengths? Giving Running Records/Observing Analyzing RR – MSV Guided Reading Goal Setting Participants are going to answer the question from previous slide with a partner. Click to the next slide so they can see the graphic. 2 minutes.
The Continuum of Literacy Learning In Fountas & Pinnell Kits Use as a Guide to Teaching Purpose is for selecting Goals: Behaviors to Notice, Teach, and Support Very specific to Guided Reading Levels Differentiation & Intervention Planning Worksheet CAFÉ Simplifies strategy instruction and goal setting for strategies
A CAFÉ Sort: Tribes Challenge! CAFÉ Survivor!!! : A CAFÉ Sort: Tribes Challenge! Reviewing & Reintroducing the Strategies- 1. Review C A F É - & what they mean 2. Cross-level Survivor Tribes! 3. Hand-out the strategies and YOU decide where they go. *This can be done in a whole group reviewing each strategy one at a time. A video clip of this is available for anyone interested.
Goal Setting How can the strategies be used to help with goal setting? What are our biggest challenges? Table talk ideas and suggestions for Goal Setting with kids.
What are you committed to doing next? Next Steps What are you committed to doing next?