The Odyssey Book I (1204)
History Channel Odyssey Introduction
Book 1 translation comparison Lines 1-10, translated by Emily Wilson Tell me about a complicated man. Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost when he had wrecked the holy town of Troy, and where he went, and who he met, the pain he suffered in the storms at sea, and how he worked to save his life and bring his men back home. He failed to keep them safe; poor fools, they ate the Sun God’s cattle, and the god kept them from home. Now goddess, child of Zeus, tell the old story for our modern times. Read the translation in your book: Book 1, Lines 1-15. Read the translation provided on the slide. Which translation do you like the best? Why? What is gained/lost?
While Reading: Fill out your chart to record Odysseus’ character traits that make him a hero. This chart will help you write your essay at the end of the unit. Character Trait Textual Evidence Odysseus is skilled or talented “that man skilled in all ways of contending” (1.2) (Book. Line #s)
Complete the summary box for Book 1 A Goddess Intervenes Narrator: the goddess Athena Odysseus helped win the Trojan War, and is attempting to return home. He has been wandering or lost at sea for 10 years. Odysseus has lost his entire crew because they did something stupid that angered the gods.
The Odyssey Book 5 (1206-1209)
CALYPSO Calypso was a sea nymph. She fell for Odysseus and wanted to make him her immortal husband and give him eternal youth. Odysseus didn’t accept her generosity – he was dreaming about going back to Ithaca and his wife. Calypso was so much in love with him that despite his refusal of her offers, she kept trying to seduce Odysseus, and because she was a goddess, she eventually (sort of) won him over. She kept him captive for 7 years until Athena intervened; eventually Calypso had to let him go and even helped him to build his boat.
Look for any other poetic devices. While Reading: Find one example of an epic simile and record it in your poetic devices notes. Add to your character traits of an epic hero chart (2 pieces of evidence). Find an example of an epithet and record it in your poetic devices notes. Look for any other poetic devices.
Complete the summary box for Book 5
discussion questions: Look at lines 69-79 Personal Connection: Are you influenced by flattery when someone is trying to persuade you to do something? Analyze: In addition to flattery, what strategies does Calypso use to try to convince Odysseus to stay with her? Synthesize: What do these lines reveal about Odysseus and Calypso?