Carcharodon carcharias Great White Shark Carcharodon carcharias
Description GSW has a "torpedo shaped" body with a pointed snout. The belly of the shark is white but the top of the shark is actually grey making it hard to spot from above.
Feeding Their food includes other sharks, fish, sea lions, seals and other marine mammals, turtles, small whales. Great White Sharks are also scavengers eating animals already dead Despite having teeth GWS do not chew their food but swallow whole pieces ripped off their victim by their teeth
Reproduction Great White Shark give birth to live young which are called pups. The pups fully develop inside their mother and once born they are immediately independent from their mother.
Locatation The GWS is found in temperate (mild) waters fairly close to the shoreline They are found in most parts of the world including North & South America, Africa, Japan, China, Russia, New Zealand, and of course Australia