Dual Language Immersion (DLI)? Why Choose Dual Language Immersion (DLI)?
Research shows….. Increased proficiency in English Bilingual and bilateral students Enhanced academic achievement Often higher benchmark test scores Intercultural competence Enhanced cognitive skills Better prepared to be global citizens
Señora Kordel Ms. Morris
School day begins at 7:50 a.m. Students arriving after this time MUST have a tardy pass. Students should be walking independently to class, this is a school wide policy that started on Monday, August 8th. Dismissal at 2:15 p.m. No check-outs or transportation changes are accepted after 1:45 p.m. Please make sure that any transportation changes are in writing. Please fill out your child’s transportation daily in your child’s folder. Car riders must be picked up by 2:30 p.m.
Science Lab, P.E., Art, Computer Lab, Music Lunch 10:41 – 11:11 11:01-11:30 Science Lab, P.E., Art, Computer Lab, Music 1:00 – 1:45 Recess Specials
Kindergarten students are to report to their classrooms first! Breakfast cost: $1.25 Kindergarten students are to report to their classrooms first! Time: 7:20 – 7:40 a.m. Only late bus riders receive breakfast after 7:40 a.m.
Lunch cost: $2.25 No fast food, please!! Monday is extras day for Kindergarten. Please note that parents are only allowed to take their own child to eat at the outside picnic tables unless they have written permission from the parents of the other student. http://www.mypaymentsplus.com
Money Envelopes
Thank you for your cooperation! Please send in one healthy snack with your child daily. Please do not pack juice. Thank you for your cooperation! Extra snacks are also welcomed!
Medication All medication must be brought by a parent to the school nurse. (Nurse Tiffany) Students can not have any medication in their backpacks. This includes cough drops. Please let your homeroom teacher know if you child has any medication in the clinic.
Visitors and Volunteers We need your help to make this a great year for your child! We plan to use Parent volunteers to help in the classroom in many different ways: helping with special activities, making materials, and chaperoning field trips. When you visit the school, always remember to sign in and out in the front office (or at the Visitor’s Desk). There, you will be given a “Visitor” badge. If you are in the building without a visitor’s badge, you will be asked to return to the office to get one. Please understand this is for the children’s safety. While we love to have volunteers, we discourage parents from just dropping in for a visit, as this is very disruptive to instruction.
Only 1 party per year Winter Holiday Celebration Seasonal Learning Centers will take place in October, December, February, April and May. More information to come soon….
Birthday Celebrations Please contact homeroom teacher a few days in advance of your child’s birthday to make arrangements to send in a special snack. Please do not send in a cake. We would prefer the snack to be cupcakes, cookies, brownies, etc.—easy to serve foods! Also, please make sure that all of the snacks are the same flavor with the same decorations (these are really big deals in Kindergarten!) Students will only celebrate with their homeroom classroom. Birthdays can be celebrated during lunch time or from 1:45-1:55.
Mystery Reader Will take place every other Friday from 8:15 – 8:30 Bring in one book to read to both classes. Keep it a secret! Sign up information will be sent via email soon……
We are limited to two field trips per year. One in house field trip and one off campus. Parent chaperones are welcomed during our off campus field trip! Be sure to check your child’s folder and class blog in the coming months for more information.
Green or Blue Communication Folders Please indicate how your child will go home daily on the transportation sheet and send back to school daily.
Behavior Plan Every student starts on green and they will be responsible to mark their color for both classes. Please note that no news is good news! Verbal warning. (orange) Stronger verbal warning. (yellow) Teacher/student conference and a note sent home. (red)
Classroom Blogs Updated frequently ** General information Parent Resources Student Resources Specials Calendars AND more! Check with your child’s teacher for their blog link www.cobbk12.org/nickajack
Informal Grading Students will complete many assignments that are not assessed for a formal grade. These assignments are done for practice in preparation for the formal grading. A check plus on an assignment means that the student was able to complete the assignment independently and with few mistakes. A check mark means that the student needs to review the work at home. A check minus means the student needs additional assistance to master the standard.
Level 3= Meets standards consistently and independently Level 2 = Progressing- The student is making progress toward meeting the standard. Level 1 = Limited progress or does not meet standards. *Report cards will be sent home at the end of every 9 weeks. *Progress reports will only be sent home (at 4 1/2 weeks) for all students.
Guide to Learning and Assessing http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/academics/kindergarten.aspx
What Your Child is Learning Frameworks What Your Child is Learning http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/academics/reportcards/
Username: Student ID number Password: read https://myon.com/ School: Nickajack Username: Student ID number Password: read Allows you to log in from home and enjoy thousands of books. Access books that are of interest to students and check out book sets that have been created that go with our curriculum!!
Measuring and Analyzing Data Investigating Addition and Subtraction Hands on learning is going on daily! Counting with Friends Shapes Comparing Numbers Measuring and Analyzing Data Investigating Addition and Subtraction
W G R N I I T Narrative Informational Opinion
Monthly homework packets are due at the end of the month Monthly homework packets are due at the end of the month. New homework packets will go home the first day of the new month. Please make sure you are reading 20 minutes each night with your child. 10 of those minutes you can read to your child. This is our school wide initiative.
Assessments SMI (Student Math Inventory) SRI (Student Reading Inventory) GKIDS DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) ** All students will be tested in English and is mostly through verbal communication.**
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports PBIS information Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports To be successful, our positive behavior system needs to be a partnership between home and school. Throughout the school year the PBIS team will send updates and information about PBIS. We invite your comments, concerns and ideas to make PBIS work at our school. Please support PBIS at Nickajack by: Reviewing behavior expectations with your child Using the three expectations at home Acknowledging appropriate behaviors and good choices with compliments and quality time at home Sharing comments with or asking questions of PBIS team members Together, we can help all students become successful, life-long learners and people of good character.
Rollercoaster Schedule We use the Rollercoaster Schedule to balance the learning throughout the school year.
Upcoming Events Park Play Date to meet everyone next month NES Foundation (We will applying for numerous different grants this year to support the DLI program) Conference Week begins the week of Oct. 17th
Write your question(s) down on a sticky note and place it on the Question Mark Poster. We will compile a Q & A and place it on the blog!