splashing making kites digging The nursery children have been enjoying the garden whatever the weather, making the most of the wind, rain and sun! making shadows
a station an aeroplane a tower The nursery children have been very busy building and constructing a hairdressers
baking birthday cake preparing snack trying new healthy foods The nursery children have been fantastic helpers, making healthy snacks and birthday cakes! making oatcakes
The nursery children have learning about 2D shape and enjoying making shape pictures number hunting drawing and counting shapes The nursery children have learning about 2D shape and enjoying their number work, too! shape hunting in our local area
drama printmaking clay modelling painting dancing The nursery children have been expressing themselves through art and design, music, drama and dance! making music
mark making reading with our buddies early writing We have been exploring rhythm and repetition, as well as getting to know the letters in our names! recognising and writing our names
French gym forest school At nursery, we have the opportunity to enjoy forest school, French and gym!