The Cold War An Introduction
The Cold War was a…
As a result of their respective …
To gain
It involved
A definition in visual form
Define the Cold War The Cold War was an era of competition and tension between the USA and USSR to achieve world domination and create spheres (areas)of influence . It originated as a result of their clashing ideologies and involved an arms race and space race.
Why was it referred to as a “Cold” War?
It did indirectly lead to open warfare US and Soviet influence in the newly independent states in Asia and Africa increased tension and conflicts that already existed, e.g. Vietnam, Korea, Angola, etc. In Cuba superpower interference lead to a Missile Crisis.
When did this war start?
When did it end?
Set of political beliefs and aims 1. POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES Set of political beliefs and aims
A political system based on the right to vote and freedom of speech 2. DEMOCRACY A political system based on the right to vote and freedom of speech
3. CAPITALISM An economic system where private individuals control the economy and industries are privately owned
4. COMMUNISM An economic system where the state controls the economy and industries are state owned
A country such as the USA that dominates world affairs 5. SUPERPOWER A country such as the USA that dominates world affairs
6. BLOC Group of countries
Main allied countries that joined together to defeat Germany 7. GRAND ALLIANCE Main allied countries that joined together to defeat Germany
8. ZONES OF OCCUPATION Areas under the military control of the main countries that conquered Germany
How do the following images relate to the Cold War?