General Requirements Number of exits must be adequate Usually at least 2 exits must be available for evacuation More than 2 exits are required if the number of occupants in the building, the size of the building or the set-up of the building would prohibit all occupants from safely evacuating during emergencies
*Exit doors must be unlocked and occupants must be able to open, without the use of keys, tools or extreme force, said doors at all times. *Exit doors must swing out in the direction of exit travel *A side-hinged door must be used to connect any room to an exit route.
*The ceiling of an exit route must be at least 7feet 6 inches *The exit access must be at least 28 inches wide at all points
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PICTURES?? *Exit routes must be free and unobstructed. No materials may be placed permanently or temporarily within the exit route. *Exit doors must be free of decorations and signs that obscure the visibility of the exit door.
An exit must be separated by fire resistant materials. Construction materials used to separate an exit from other areas of the building must have a one hour fire resistant rating if the exit connects 3 stories or fewer. Construction materials with a 2 hour fire resistant rating are needed if the exit connects 4 or more stories of the building. Construction materials such as doors, door frames and other hardware must be listed or approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
*Exit routes must be well lit to ensure that occupants with normal vision can see the exit path. *Each exit must be clearly visible and marked with a sign that reads Exit. *Each door along the exit route that can be mistaken for an exit, must be marked with a sign saying Not an exit or a sign indicating its actual use. *Each exit sign must be illuminated by a reliable light source and be distinctive in color. *Each exit sign must have the word Exit in plain legible letters, not less than 6 inches high.
The main resource used for information was the OSHA website under the heading of Fire Safety… * Pictures were found using Google… * Presentation… Karley Bertini * Karley Bertini