Managing The Challenge of Change featuring Dr. Jim Hennig


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Presentation transcript:

Managing The Challenge of Change featuring Dr. Jim Hennig Solving the Management Puzzle featuring Tom Hopkins

Managing The Challenge of Change featuring Dr. Jim Hennig “To change and change for the better are two different things.” German Proverb

Why This Subject Is Important We live in a world of frequent change. Change is often a painful experience. Successful managers are those who can lead through change.

Success Stories Previous topics included: - Negotiation - Meetings/Presentations - Vision - Personal Velocity Share how you successfully used an idea from a previous topic.

What’s My Line? You receive a piece of paper. Each includes a line from a song. Work to arrange the lines in the proper order. When finished, raise your hand or start singing the song.

Session Agenda Learning goals / meeting opener Session presentation Individual and group exercises Review learning goals / closing remarks Personal action plan / session evaluation

Session Learning Goals In this session, you will learn to: Understand the myths of change. Help reduce resistance to change. Define the change process and the 4 roles involved. Identify 10 traits of effective change.

Meeting Opener What words come to mind when you hear the word “change”? Discuss ideas and make a list.

Key Ideas and Application Write down the important idea(s) from the presentation and how to apply them to your company or team. Share your idea(s) with your group.

Entertainment vs. Education We go to a class, watch videos, discuss concepts and share ideas with others. Then we return to our office and do things the same old way. Education: We go to a class, watch videos, discuss concepts and share ideas with others. Then we return to our office and implement new ideas, techniques, and strategies that improve performance.

Group Discussion: Key Ideas/Application

Why People Resist Change Exercise Why People Resist Change See the mid-presentation exercise on page 2. List some reasons why people resist change.

Resistance Reduction See page 5. Exercise Resistance Reduction See page 5. As a group, take two reasons for change resistance. Discuss what managers can do to overcome these reasons for resistance.

Change Planning See page 6. Exercise Change Planning See page 6. Describe a business change you want to make. Is it a physical, intellectual, or emotional change? Answer questions. Share your answers with a partner.

Exercise Change Rating See page 7. Rate your company/team in the 10 areas of change. Select an area to improve. Outline how you will improve this area.

Personal Action Plan Based on today’s session: What will you START doing? What will you STOP doing? What will you CONTINUE to do?

In Our Training Next Month... Join Dr. John Tickell to learn how you can reduce or eliminate a problem that costs businesses an average $750 per year, per employee. Lisa Ford will address how you can build personal, service and leadership excellence in your life and your work.