Hinduism the first major of World Religions Kulavir P. Pipat Fall 2012
Hinduism "When you hear about the Self, meditate upon the Self, and finally realize the Self... you come to understand everything in life." --Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4.5
Origins Hinduism is an ancient religion with no known founder or known date of origin.
Origins The term "Hinduism" simply derives from the word "India" and refers to a wide variety of religious traditions and philosophies that have developed in India over thousands of years.
Origins Therefore, Hinduism is really an indigenous religion of India that has developed over time to become what it is today.
Adherents Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. Approximately 900 million people follow Hinduism worldwide.
Adherents The followers of Hinduism are called: Hindus
Views Hinduism embraces a great diversity of beliefs, a fact that can be initially confusing to westerners. One can believe a wide variety of things about God, the universe and the path to liberation and still be considered a Hindu.
Views There is a common misconception that Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. While Hindu’s do worship many gods and goddesses, they are most often viewed as different manifestations of one supreme being, Brahman.
Three Major Forms of Brahman Brahma the Creator
Three Major Forms of Brahman Siva the Destroyer
Three Major Forms of Brahman Vishnu the Preserver
Everyone has a soul or Atman Common Hindu Beliefs Everyone has a soul or Atman
Common Hindu Beliefs The Ultimate Goal: To reunite one’s soul with Brahman, the universal spirit
Reincarnation - Souls are born and reborn many times Common Hindu Beliefs Reincarnation - Souls are born and reborn many times
Karma – the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul. Common Hindu Beliefs Karma – the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul.
Common Hindu Beliefs Moksha – Salvation from the cycle of rebirth. This happens after building enough good karma.
Common Hindu Beliefs Dharma – each person has a duty to accept his or her place in the world without complaint.
Life’s Purpose Humans are in bondage to ignorance and illusion, but are able to escape. The purpose of life is to gain release (moksha) from the cycle of rebirth, or at least a better rebirth.
Afterlife Uniting with God (Brahman) as a drop of rain merges with the sea.
General Practices Yoga meditation worship (puja) devotion to a god or goddess pilgrimage to holy cities live according to one's dharma (purpose/ role)
Holy Text(s) The Vedas (Book of Knowledge, most sacred) Upanishads (means “Sitting near a teacher”) Bhagavad Gita Manu Dhammasastra