The Assessment of Results & Competencies (ARC) for RCs and UNCTs


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Presentation transcript:

The Assessment of Results & Competencies (ARC) for RCs and UNCTs July 2018

Executive Summary The ARC is an integrated model for the assessment of results and competencies of Resident Coordinator and UN Country Teams working together towards supporting the achievement of SDGs under the 2030 Agenda. The ARC methodology allows for Resident Coordinators and UNCT members to clearly indicate their contribution to common UNCT goals, and will allow for mutual accountability to be addressed through a feedback mechanism between them. Combining both results assessment and competency assessment in one platform, and underpinned by a conceptual framework that supports mutual accountability, the ARC process and platform provide the following: Competency assessment of RC, and team attributes assessment of UNCT Results performance assessment of RC and UNCT Peer feedback between RCs and UNCT Members, and between UNCT Members Developmental plan for both RC and UNCT

Regional UNSDG Performance Management Team UNSDG ARC OVERVIEW Regional UNSDG Chair Regional UNSDG Performance Management Team UN Resident Coordinator UNCT Country Team in the ARC UNCT Goals & Success Criteria and UNCT Development Plan UNCT ARC Member/UNDP UNCT ARC Member/UNHCR UNCT ARC Member/FAO UNCT ARC Member/UNESCO Peer feedback amongst the UNCT ARC Members, and the RC will be conducted at year end and provided to supervisors UNCT ARC Members provide their indicators & self-assessments towards common UNCT Goals & Success Criteria to their direct supervisors Regional UNSDG Chair will sign off on final rating & narrative performance assessment on behalf of Regional UNSDG PMT Regional UNSDG PMT will review and provide feedback to RC/UNCT UNSDG, DSS, OCHA, DPA/DPKO, OHCHR provide additional inputs RC provides his/her indicators towards common UNCT Goals and Success Criteria; can also provide Development Plan

COMPONENTS IN THE ARC The four main components of the Performance Appraisal process are: RC/HC/DO/DSRSG Appraisal The performance appraisal will be based on the RC/HC/DO/DSRSG’s self-assessment of results against the ARC methodology, as well as structured performance feedback from all UN System stakeholders. For those RCs who also perform integrated mission leadership functions (i.e. DSRSG/DSC), DPA or DPKO provide inputs to their performance appraisal. For those RCs who are also HC, the ERC provide inputs to their performance appraisal. For those RCs who are also DO, the UNDSS provides inputs. The inputs are incorporated into one reporting instrument which is then used by the Regional UNSDG Team to appraise the RC/HC/DO/DSRSG across all job functions and to provide concrete feedback on 2017 performance. UNCT Appraisal The UNCT will be appraised by using the ARC methodology. The ARC methodology allows for RCs and UNCT members to clearly indicate their contribution to combined UNCT goals. UNCT Member The UNCT Member will be appraised by using the ARC methodology. The ARC methodology allows for UNCT members to clearly indicate their contribution to combined UNCT goals and will allow for mutual accountability to be addressed through a peer feedback mechanism, which will support UNSDG agency performance appraisals of their representatives on their contribution to the UNCT. Peer Feedback A RC/UNCT peer feedback process will be used to collect narrative feedback from RC and UNCT members on the achievement of joint UNCT goals and demonstration of UNCT attributes, as well as feedback to the RC on the demonstration of results competencies. Additionally, the process requests feedback from the RC to individual UNCT members participating in the ARC.

PARTICIPATION IN THE ARC Participation in the ARC is mandatory for the RC. For UN Country Team members, all criteria must be met to be eligible. Criteria for participation of Resident Agencies Criteria 1: Must be a full-time UN Staff member Criteria 2: The agency of the staff member must be an agency of the UNSDG Criteria 3: Has been in their current role for a minimum of 6 months during the calendar year being appraised Criteria 4: Has full delegated authority from their agency on both the financial and programmatic decision making for their respective agency Criteria 5: Is a member of the Security Management Team and a decision maker on the security of their agency staff Criteria for participation of Non-Resident Agencies  Criteria 2: Staff member agency must be a member of the UNSDG Criteria 5: Staff member must be accredited or have formal representation to the country For futher details on eligibility criteria please review the FAQs 2018 ARC Participation and the ARC Guidance 2018.   By no means does the ARC replace the respective performance assessment processes of the individual UN entities that comprise the UNCT. UNCT Members, regardless of their participation in the ARC, need to comply with the performance appraisal obligations of their respective UN entities. UNCT Members participating in the ARC are to discuss with their managers their planned contribution to common UNCT goals and success criteria, and also to provide them their self-assessments at year end. The ARC platform will allow for a report to be generated that can be shared with their manager, showing the UNCT goals, success criteria, and their specific indicators and self-assessment.

ROLES IN THE ARC Regional Chair Regional Director Regional ARC Administrator Resident Coordinator UNCT Member UNCT ARC Administrator Additional Inputs – UNDG/DSS/OCHA/DPA/DPKO HQ Admin (UN-DOCO)

ADMINISTRATIVE LEVELS IN THE ARC Acts as a focal point for the RC and UNCT on ARC administrative matters Inputs into the ARC platform on behalf of the UNCT and supports RC and UNCT members with any trouble shooting and advice on the ARC UNCT ARC Administrator Support the Regional UNSDG Performance Management Team in the performance appraisal process for the respective region Ensures RC and UNCT as a team comply to the deadlines and inputs required for the ARC Regional ARC Administrator Provides policy guidance on the ARC and its implementation Provides administrative oversight and technical support of the ARC platform HQ ARC Administrator (UNDOCO)

OPERATIONAL LEVELS IN THE ARC The RC, as well as their other roles such as the DSRSG, the HC and the DO, are incorporated in one holistic performance review. UNCT Members include their contributions to the UNCT Goals, which is shared with their agencies supervisor as part of their agency appraisal process UNCT as a team defines the overall UNCT Goals & Success Criteria that the UNCT will focus on for the year Resident Coordinator & UNCT Member & UNCT as a team The Regional UNDG Performance Management Team consists of the Regional UNDG Chair and Regional Directors (from across the UNDG at the D2 level) who provide an overall performance assessment for the RC & UN Country Team. Regional UNSDG Performance Management Team Agencies participating through the UNSDG mechanism can provide overall feedback on the performance of the RC and provide their input for consideration by the Regional UNSDG Management Team For the multi-hatted role of the RC (DO/HC or DSRSG) appraisals and inputs are provided by UNDSS, OCHA, DPA, DPO and OHCHR Additional Inputs from across the UN

UNIQUENESS OF THE ARC   The ARC brings together the appraisals of the RC, as well as their other roles and responsibilities as the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General (DSRSG), the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC), and the Designated Official (DO) – in one holistic performance review. Eligibility for participation in the ARC is clearly established thereby clarifying who is accountable for the UN’s results in each country. The ARC provides the opportunity for UNCT members to clearly indicate their responsibilities against UNCT goal categories to their supervisors as well as the RC and UNCT. The ARC captures both results and competencies into a single platform, streamlining the process and the collection of inputs from all parties providing feedback to the RC. RCs and UN Country Team Members can indicate their individual leadership contributions to collective UNCT goals, and thus expressing their mutual accountability towards these common goals. The ARC creates a peer feedback mechanism between the RCs and UNCT Members, as well as UNCT Members to each other to allow for mutual accountability for agreed UNCT goals. The RCs provide formal input into the performance appraisal process of all UN representatives who are members of the UN Country Team participating in the ARC. The ARC provides flexibility in the formulation of UNCT goals and can be updated throughout the reporting cycle if the country context changes. The ARC also offers the flexibility of an informal mid-year review, as needed.