Midlands Medical Partnership Working together to sustain General Practice Dr Dave Sangha - Executive Chairman Dr Sunando Ghosh - Executive Partner
Introduction 12 Sites across Birmingham (inc 7 Day Access WIC) Single GMS Contract Single IT Database Fully Integrated Working Focus on Care Delivery & Access Patient Feedback Growth of Patient Services
Our model A super partnership model One of the pioneers for working at scale - established 2009 without any support Largest single GMS contract code partnership with 23 partners 68,000 patients and growing, soon to be 85,000 patients Largest single code primary care IT database
Our model MMP Communications Strategy Bi Annual MMP AGM Partners Monthly Meeting Site Admin/Reception Monthly Meeting Surgery 1 to 11 MDT Weekly/Fortnightly Meeting Senior Business Manager Operations Manager Management Board Fortnightly Meeting MMP Communications Strategy Receiving summary of all meeting minutes on standard MMP templates Receiving minutes and reviewing for actions Meetings Fortnightly Central team Management team Monthly Nurses / HCAs Secretaries Scanners Finance Clinical Target team (QOF) ACE Team Leader Bi-Monthly Clinical Governance Quarterly Salaried GPs Gold Standard Framework (GSF) Safeguarding Staff Forum All meeting minutes on standard template Feedback via General Manager / Operations Manager/Clinical Leads / Team Leaders Feedback forms: E-mail Anyone can raise a concern in writing, by e-mail or in person. MMP operates a confidential whistleblowing policy (in policy library in hard copy and electronically)
MMP delivery model Fully integrated business and clinical working model Single mature and established team MMP Management board / Partnership structure Centralised MMP management team Centralised MMP in house functions – HR, finance, IT, etc Centralised MMP performance target teams – monthly clinical performance reports Centralised MMP call centre MMP Standardisation of service MMP Benchmarking to achieve clinical excellence
MMP delivery model Service development with CCG The MMP Team 200+ Clinical & Non-clinical staff Fully Recruited Teams 25 salaried GPs 40 nurses & HCAs Advanced Nurse Practitioners Specialist Diabetes Nurses Specialist Respiratory Nurses Service development with CCG Aspiring Clinical Excellence Pioneers Diabetes care Respiratory care Phlebotomy Medicines management
Benefits of MMP model The Benefits Increased services for patients Standardisation Resilience Staff development and progression Clinicians and teams free to concentrate on patients Specialised Clinics – Dementia, Substance Misuse, Increased Access, Sexual health, Urogyneacology Increased services for patients Increased access Cross site access across Birmingham Universal offer and standards Templates to optimise care Staff movement to optimise care Interactive PPG groups
Benefits of MMP model Robust and sleek management and operational structure that frees up clinicians to focus on delivering care to patients No duplication, skill sets used to maximise organisational strength MMP standardised policies and procedures Happier teams – CQC quoted “MMP staff feel empowered” Happier partners with better work life balance Strong vision, purpose and leadership Overcoming the pitfalls of change
Benefits of MMP model QOF 2015/16 544.6/545 Partnership working with Birmingham Cross City CCG Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust Birmingham Mental Health Trust Birmingham Council Birmingham Secondary Care Providers Birmingham and Solihull GP Alliance Birmingham and Solihull STP Health and Social Care Board
CQC inspection over two full days in Oct 2016 Our Model - Assessment CQC inspection over two full days in Oct 2016 OUTSTANDING
MMP Vision Continuing emphasis on outstanding care of our patients Improving access and services for our patients Ensuring sustainability and resilience of General Practice Aiming to form Multispecialty Care Provider / Accountable Care status
Thank you for listening Any questions. dave. sangha@nhs. net sunando Thank you for listening Any questions? dave.sangha@nhs.net sunando.ghosh@nhs.net Midlands Medical Partnership www.mmpmedical.com