Mock Residency Interviews: Preparing Students for Success in the Residency Application Season Michael A Pilla, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology College Mentor Associate Director, Anesthesiology Residency Training Program Amy E. Fleming, MD Associate Professor of Pediatrics Director of Medical Student Education, Pediatrics Source:
7 Basic Tenets change two equal applicants conception misconception practice avoidance feedback The only part of the application process you can still change For 2 equally paired applicants, can help tip you over the top – or not Everyone thinks they know how to do this Most are wrong Everything requires practice Avoid “killing mistakes” Get immediate feedback and correct errors in performance while you still can Source:
Signer, MM. NRMP Update. Nov 4, 2012 Signer, MM. NRMP Update. Nov 4, 2012. Presentation at the 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting. Source:
Signer, MM. NRMP Update. Nov 4, 2012 Signer, MM. NRMP Update. Nov 4, 2012. Presentation at the 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting. Source:
Medical students receive little or no interview skills training; little written compared to business school students1 Koenigsfeld et al. developed mock residency interview exercise for 4th year PharmD students & saw higher match rates (82.5%) than national average (61.9%)2 1Ertel, NW & Gunderman RB. Helping medical students to prepare for radiology residency interviews. Acad Radiol 2006; 13:1168–1171 2Koenigsfeld, CF, Wall, GC, Miesner, AR, Schmidt, G, Eastman, DK, Grady, S. A faculty-led mock residency interview exercise for fourth-year doctor of pharmacy students. J Pharm Prac 2012. 25(1);101-107. Source:
The Process Faculty Signup Interviewer Specialty choice Contact, schedule, and confirm Packet: CV, personal statement, “fact sheet” Dress & punctuality Faculty (Mentors, other faculty) Google Docs link Select interviewer Choose same or different specialty Contact, schedule, and confirm time/date Send in advance via email CV, personal statement, “fact sheet” Dress for interview and BE ON TIME Source:
The Interview Length Feedback Behavioral questions Length - About 20 minutes interview, 10 mins feedback Post-interview feedback is immediate Behavioral questions – distributed to faculty in advance Source:
General Questions What makes you a unique candidate for our program in XYZ? What was your favorite (worst) subject in medical school? Why? What do think is your greatest accomplishment in the last 5 years? Source:
Behavioral Questions Interpersonal & communication skills: Tell me about a time you had to deal with someone who was aggressive or very difficult. Tell me about a time that you were misunderstood, and how you dealt with that situation. Patient care: Tell me about a time in medical school when you were the busiest clinical service. Tell me about a time when you had to make an important decision but lacked critical information. Professionalism: Tell me about a time when you made a mistake and had to admit it to someone. Tell me about the major challenges you had to face getting through medical school and how you dealt with them. Source:
Disclaimers Participation Privacy Same specialty Questionnaire Don’t have to participate Interview is private – no information will be shared Some faculty (and students) may choose NOT to conduct (or have) interview in same specialty if student planning to interview at Vanderbilt – ASK! Questionnaire Source:
Do you feel that you could benefit from this program? Yes / No Do you plan to participate in this program? If you answered “No” to question #2, why? 2010-11 Data: 43/54 (out of 97 matching students or 56% response rate) respondents participated 11/54 did not (didn’t know about program, not entering match) 14/43 got 1st choice & believed helpful in getting that 43/43 recommend (useful, made a difference, etc) 2012-13 Preliminary data : 59 (out of 111 matching students or 53% response rate) responded “yes” to both questions Source:
Participation in Mock Interviews Source:
Recommend the Program to Another Student? Source:
Questions? Source: