Bob’s Present
This book is for Jayden for being a good book buddy.
Copyright © 2013-14 by Parker Hopkins All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or Used in any manner whatsoever with out the written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in Canada First printing 2013-14 ISBN 0-203-615-10269-5 Editor Joanna Butters publishing 108989 butter street Russia WWW.butter/
Bob’s present Publisher Butters publishing 10189898 butter street Russia. Written by Parker Hopkins. Illustrated by Parker Hopkins.
One day there were 3 wolves One day there were 3 wolves. One was named Jayden, the other 2 were Bob and Rake.
They liked to play soccer and many other games.
Bob’s birthday was coming up, so Jayden and Rake had to get him something.
Bob wanted a new toy truck.
Jayden and Rake went to the toy store Jayden and Rake went to the toy store. They did not have any of the toy trucks left.
On the way out Jayden saw that Mr. Top had one.
He was leaving. Rake tried to catch him but he was too fast.
Rake was upset so Jayden took him to get some chicken nuggets at Mc Don’s.
When they got there Mr. Top was there. They told him what happened.
Mr. Top was nice so he gave them the toy truck.
They went home and gave the truck to Bob.
He really liked it.
The end.
About the author Parker Colin Calder Romaine Hopkins is 12 years old. He has 1 brother, Andrew, and 1 dog named Kenny. Lives in Jordenbay Shelburne Nova Scotia. Born March 23rd in Bridgewater 2002. I like to play Skyrim, shoot co2 guns and go biking.
Comment page This story is good-mason Good -Kadin It was really good- Joanna Really good story awesome pictures -Gage . L Great Story - Tessa