How would you grade the University for its contribution to your personal growth and development in each of the following? Excellent Good Fair Poor Fail Writing skills Speaking skills Study and learning skills Thinking logically and analytically Working independently Ability to co-operate and work in groups Research skills Skills for planning and completing projects Identifying and solving problems Academic preparation for employment Leadership skills Faculty Department Excellent Good Fair Poor Fail
How satisfied are you with each of the following aspects of the University? Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Quality of teaching Intellectually stimulation Overall quality of education received from department Quality of courses offered Number of students in your classes Instructional facilities (classrooms, labs, equipment, etc.) Registration process Process for changing courses Process for choosing course sections Course or program advising from your department Tutoring services Faculty Department Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 I find the professor well prepared for class University Faculty Department 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 I find the professor well prepared for class I think the professor conveys the subject matter effectively I find that the professor as a teacher is 1998 1999 2000
1000 3000 4000 2000 French English