West Warwick Housing Authority Strategic Plan 2017


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Presentation transcript:

West Warwick Housing Authority Strategic Plan 2017 Survey Results: Clyde Tower April 2017

Demographics Clyde Tower How long have you lived at the property: < 1yr 6 14% 1-5 yrs 12 29% 6-10 yrs 11 26% >10 yrs 13 31% What is your age: 40’s 1 3% 50’s 17% 60’s 37% 70’s 80’s 4 11% What is your gender: Male 22 53% Female 19 46%

Overall Satisfaction: How satisfied are you with: Clyde Tower # Responses Very Satisfied (VS) (S) VS/S Disagree Dissatisfied Did Not answer Your Unit/Apartment 44 16 36% 22 50% 38 86% 5 11% 1 2% Your building 42 13 31% 24 57% 37 88% 12% Your neighborhood 11 25% 29 66% 40 91% 4 9% Property Management 3% 44/85 Response Rate = 52%

Maintenance & Repair Clyde Tower Never Called 1-2 Times 3-4 X > 4 9 Over the last year, how many times have you called for maintenance 9 21% 24 56% 4 9% 6 14% Non-emergency work was usually completed in: < 1 wk 31 94% 1-4 wks >4 wks 2 6% 12 27% Emergency work was usually completed in: <6 hrs 67% 6-24 hrs 3 19% >24 hrs 25 58%

Maintenance & Repair Clyde Tower VS/S combo 43 22 51% 16 37% 38 88% 1 # Responses Very Satisfied (VS) (S) VS/S combo Dissatisfied/Very Disatisfied Did Not answer Based on your experience, how satisfied are you: How easy it was to request a repair 43 22 51% 16 37% 38 88% 1 2% 4 9% How well the repairs were done 21 49% 37 86% 2 5% How well you were treated by person you contacted 25 58% 14 33% 39 91% How well were you treated by repairman?

Communications Do you think management provides you information about: Clyde Tower # Responses Strongly Agree SA/A Disagree Maintenance and repairs (water/boiler shut-downs, etc) 44 13 30% 23 52% 26 82% 7 16% 1 2% The rules of your lease 12 27% 35 79% 2 5% Meetings & events 11 59% 37 89% 4 9% Do you think management is: Responsive to your questions and concerns 43 28% 21 49% 33 77% 3 7% Courteous & professional 18 41% 47 93%

Safety How safe do you feel? Clyde Tower # Responses Very Satisfied VS/S Combo Dissat/ Very Dissat Did Not Answer In your unit/apartment 44 23 52% 20 45% 43 97% 1 2% In your building 18 41% 21 48% 35 89% 5 11% In your parking area 47 12 26% 49 71% 14 22% 4 8%

Safety If residents in your property break the rules, does management take action: Yes 8 20% No 11 27% DK 22 54% If management does take action, how would you rate its actions: Very Effective 5 15% 16 48% Ineffect 24% 4 12% 63%

Housing Property Appearance Clyde Tower # Responses Very Satisfied VS/S combo Dissatisfied Very dis/ Did Not Answer How satisfied are you with the upkeep with the following areas in your property: Common areas (hallways, walkways, stairways) 42 12 29% 16 38% 28 67% 10 24% 4 9% Exterior of building 43 28% 27 63% 39 91% Parking areas 9 21% 23 53% 32 74% 7 16% Community Rooms 41 17 41% 29 70% 17% 5 12%

Recommendation Clyde Tower Would you recommend your property to a family member or friend seeking housing? Yes 32 74% No 11 26%