Two umbilical arteries are typically documented sonographically in the second trimester. They encircle the fetal bladder (asterisk) as extensions of the superior vesical arteries. In this color Doppler sonographic image, a single umbilical artery, shown in red, runs along the bladder wall before joining the umbilical vein (blue) in the cord. Below this, the two vessels of the cord, seen as a larger red and smaller blue circle, are also seen floating in a cross section of a cord segment. Citation: Placental Abnormalities, Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Dashe JS, Hoffman BL, Casey BM, Spong CY. Williams Obstetrics, 25e; 2018. Available at: Accessed: November 05, 2018 Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved