PARENTS: THE KEY TO STUDENT’S EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS Mark Twain Middle School January 25, 2008 Larry Tash
LAUSD API 1999-2006
California Healthy Kids Survey 2005 Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 9 Grade 11 The percentage of students who report high levels of caring relationships with a teacher or other adult at their school 59% 28% 26% 35% The percentage of students that report high levels of school connectedness at their school (Total School Assets) 55% 23% 32%
Seven LAUSD Attributes of Successful Schools Unifying Vision/Identity Equity and Access Personalization Collaboration/Parent and Community Engagement Rigorous Standards-Based Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Accountability & Distributed Leadership Professional Development
FIVE STEPS FOR SYSTEMIC CULTURE CHANGE Building vision, beliefs, and expectations Improving instructional practice Creating increased personalization Developing supporting structures Providing strong transitional support
Personalized Learning Environments (PLE) All middle and span schools are being asked to develop PLEs based on their student and community needs Goals: Improve academic achievement for all students Prepare all students for high school graduation Provide awareness for college and career readiness Create communities that have a common vision for reaching these goals
Implementation Timeline 2007-2009 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Year 1: Vision building through school data review and literature study } } Year 2: Plan Writing using the LAUSD Attributes } Year 3: Begin full implementation
Parent Input (Activity) All students need to see purpose for their education by establishing long term goals that provide motivation for doing well in school. Students need to feel connected to their school to have the best academic opportunities. Students need to feel that there is at least one caring adult on the school campus that will support and advise them. Parents need to feel connected and supportive of their child’s school.
What Barriers Exist to Improving Student Achievement?
What Fixes Are Possible to Improve Student Achievement?
No one cares how much you know… Until they know how much you care.