This is a side to visualize how we got into this transportation funding problem (most folks have probably seen this and know the numbers) We only spend about $69 per capita on transportation today, when the last time we raised the gas tax we spent $125 per capita CDOT is running on a $1 billion per year shortfall and have a total shortfall of around $9 billion The main funding source is a gas tax that hasn’t been raised in 25 years and continues to decline as a funding source ZERO capacity for new projects, can only maintain what we have now There are also crucial city and county transportation projects Colorado’s economy depends on transportation infrastructure
When we tested voters on how important transportation is to them these were our results Transportation infrastructure is the #1 issue for voters, above all others in an open ended question People care about transportation… so much so that a combined 77% find the issue of transportation either extremely or very important There is near consensus among voters that we have a serious problem and need to fix it NOW
The coalition represents voices from the Eastern Plains to the Western Slope, Republicans and Democrats, and advocates for the environment, business and transportation. We have been putting politics aside and working together for the last five years to find a solution to our transportation challenges.
These are just the main priorities that the coalition identified to start to tackle transportation
We’ve looked at every opportunity to fund transportation They key considerations: What’s viable? We need a source that voters will support What raises enough revenue? We can’t do this if it’s a half-measure We also need a way to pay for this where everyone pays their fair share Vehicle Registration: Least popular among voters, more disliked than property taxes Tourists don’t contribute Doesn’t raise enough on it’s own to fully address the problem Income Tax: Among the least popular options with voters Fuel Tax: Today, we spend just $69 per capita on transportation infrastructure, compared to 25 years ago when we spent almost twice that amount - $125 per capita. Fuel efficient vehicles lead to a diminishing return Need a very large increase in fuel tax to achieve the same goal Multiple Sources: More complicated than a single funding source Voters are least likely to support
Roughly half of voters name a tax that is paid often at one time in the year Just one in ten say sales taxes are too burdensome
This is our latest polling from December of 2017 that has us at 56% with .5% sales tax and 53% with 1% sales tax increase We will be doing more poling now that the general assembly is done with session
We will be choosing one this Friday as a coalition based on a number of factors, most likely .5 or .62
The first four proposals would have the same funding formula, dividing revenues between the state and local communities. These initiatives will create systemwide improvements and statewide solution that ensures: Local governments have the resources to meet demands, Address high-priority projects on I-70, I-25 and other state highways, and Promote multimodal transportation options that reduce congestion and help people, who are growing older or disabled, get around State Revenue: Revenue deposited into “State Highway Fund” – all dollars flow outside of HUTF Local Priorities: Revenue deposited into newly created “Local Transportation Priorities Fund” Multimodal Options: Revenue deposited into newly created “Multimodal Transportation Options Fund”
These are the most up to date estimates from legislative council, but those revenue forecasts do not change our bonding principal of at least $5 billion for those big state projects .35 + GF - $432 million in the first year .5 – $618.3 million in the first year .62 – $766.7 million in the first year 1.0 – $1.2 billion in the first year .5 + GF - $768.3 million in the first year 20 Year Sunset: This tax won’t last forever, nor should it. We have problems with transportation in Colorado that need an immediate solution. These proposals give voters the chance to re-evaluate where we are in 20 years and whether this tax is still necessary. Transparency and Oversight: These proposals establish oversight of our tax dollars by creating an oversight committee, which will represent every region of Colorado, and a user friendly website that Coloradans can log onto to see how these dollars are being spent, what projects are being funded and when they will be able to see improvements in their communities.
45% of the funding will go toward addressing projects on major highways, like I-25 and I-70, to state highways that connect communities throughout Colorado. Our needs at the state level are serious and immediate. By using bonds, we’ll be able to start these projects right away.
These are just a sampling of the CDOT projects that have been identified as ones that would be completed with new revenue from our ballot measure. They range from Multimodal BRT Projects to large scale I25 improvements
Every trip, large and small, ends on local roads. This will send sales tax revenue where it belongs - back to local communities for transportation projects. Full flexibility of local funds – meet the needs of communities Dollars are distributed equitably 20% to cities and 20% to counties
Multimodal Projects: 15% of the funding will support multimodal transportation options that decrease traffic congestion and protect our air quality, including bus and rail transit, large scale bike lanes and paths, and improvements for pedestrians; Up to $30 million per year in a match program that supports innovative local projects. 85% of the remainder will go toward local multimodal projects, including fixed route and on-demand transit, and bicycle and pedestrian projects. This funding will be allocated to Metro Planning Organizations and, in rural communities, to Transportation Commission Regions. 15% of the remainder will go toward state multimodal projects, including inter-regional transit like Bustang, park-n-ride lots, or bicycle and pedestrian projects. RTD Dial-A-Ride
Up to $30 million per year in a match program that supports innovative local projects. Here are a couple of examples that CDOT is working with local partners on developing, should this funding become available There are many others on in the discussion that I’m sure many of you are aware of, but these are just two examples I had off hand
After the up to 30 million comes off the top every year we are left with two pots That 85% pot goes directly to local projects Those dollars are fully flexible and can be spent on not just new construction, but operations as well So you don’t have to have a new bus route, but you could just make the bus route you already have more efficient Or build a bike/ped path The final 15% will go directly to the CDOT commissioners For the allocation to large inter-regional state projects like BUSTANG