WELCOME Keyscans Access Control KIMA SECURITY INC.
Access Control Market All Market Sectors u Commercial u Institutional u Industrial/Manufacturing u Residential KIMA SECURITY INC.
Market Categories Stand alone systems u operate independently u no transaction records Integrated Systems u inter-connected group of components u produce transaction records KIMA SECURITY INC.
Chapter 3 What Is Electronic Access Control? KIMA SECURITY INC.
Access control is based on... u WHO u WHERE u WHEN KIMA SECURITY INC.
Access control features Controls u doors / elevators / parking gates / garagesOperates u 24 hours / 7 days / 12 monthsSpecifies u individual access at each doorMonitors u access points for alarms KIMA SECURITY INC.
Integrates u with other building systemsCommunicates u via modem or networks for multiple building controlReports u site activity for security management auditing Access control features (contd) KIMA SECURITY INC.
Access Control vs. Keys u better security u avoids re-installing locks Advantages KIMA SECURITY INC.
Access Control vs. Combination Locks u controls access by time u records the credential and access time Advantages KIMA SECURITY INC.
Access Control vs. Security Personnel u access control always on guard at every controlled access point even in a power failure u no HR issues F absenteeism etc. Advantages KIMA SECURITY INC.
Advantages Cost savings u saves on labour costs u saves on cost of replacing lost assets or damaged property u saves time resolving lost assets u saves effort re-acquiring keys on terminations KIMA SECURITY INC.
Chapter 4 How Electronic Access Control Works KIMA SECURITY INC.
Rapid sequence of events between... u access control unit (ACU) u reader u electrically controlled locking device u door contacts u request to exit device u credential – card, token, PIN, human physiological characteristic u personal computer How It Works KIMA SECURITY INC.
The credential is presented to a reader. How It Works KIMA SECURITY INC.
Reader transmits credentials identity to control unit. How It Works KIMA SECURITY INC.
The control unit signals locking device at door. How It Works KIMA SECURITY INC.
The ACU monitors the door contacts. How It Works KIMA SECURITY INC.
Request to Exit device signals control unit on a legitimate exit. How It Works KIMA SECURITY INC.
How It Works The access control unit and the computer transfer data and site activity.
Proximity reader u widely used in medium & high security applications u variety of styles and shapes u indoor and outdoor formats u functions behind glass or drywall u no contact required / hands free u sensitive to metal & voltage interference Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Keypad reader u used alone in low security areas u used in tandem for higher security u weather resistant u no expense of a card, tag, or token when used alone u PINs susceptible to viewing or borrowing Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Barcode reader u used alone in low security areas u low cost format u cards are programmable & economical cards easy to duplicate u read head susceptible to dirt and moisture Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Magnetic stripe reader u used alone in low security areas such as colleges & universities u cards are programmable read head susceptible to dirt and moisture u cards can be de-magnetized Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Kwik Key reader u outmoded technology seldom used Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Wiegand reader u seldom used, however, Wiegand communication protocol prevalently in use Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Radio frequency (RF) reader u low security areas such as parking applications long read range up to 100 feet u transmitters control up to 4 different doors u transmitters multi-functional - RF & proximity u transmitters susceptible to damage Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Infrared reader u was used for parking applications u seldom used technology Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Biometric reader u used in high security applications u many different formats - finger print, hand scan, retina scan etc. u eliminates unauthorized entry with borrowed credential Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Hardware Components Smart card reader u integrates with smart card technology u smart cards store data & values u smart cards are multi-functional KIMA SECURITY INC.
Reader communication protocols u Wiegand communication protocol widely used u generic 26-bit Wiegand protocol - less secure u proprietary Wiegand protocol - more secure u Keyscan uses proprietary 36-bit Wiegand protocol - no duplicate cards Keyscan systems can read multiple Wiegand bit formats Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Electric Locking Devices u electric door strikes fail safe & fail secure magnetic locks F fail safe only installation regulated by local building & fire codes All locks must be installed in a fashion to allow free exit in an emergency. Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Request to Exit Devices u push button - manually operated when exiting door u motion sensors - automatically signal system when exiting door u crash bar - manually operated when exiting door Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Door Monitoring Devices u door contacts F surface mount F concealed mount (preferred) door sensors integrated with locking device Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Typical Door Layout Hardware Components KIMA SECURITY INC.
Hardware Components Credentials u proximity cards/tags/tokens u magnetic stripe cards u smart cards u RF transmitters u PINs u biometrics Personal Computer u administer & monitor system KIMA SECURITY INC.
ContactsContacts Kima Security Inc u 85 Marjoram DR, Ajax, Ontario, L1S 7P4 u Phone u Fax u KIMA SECURITY INC.