SATS Plenary 2010 and the Kingdom of God By David Oakley Ambassadors in Sport
The church but so much more Now but not yet Kingdom of God? Reign and Rule of God The church but so much more Now but not yet Jesus initiated but growing You will need bi-focal glasses!
a) the Event and b) Eternity 2010 and the Kingdom Prepare well for both; a) the Event and b) Eternity By Your Action (Acts 1;12-26 ) Attitude (2 Tim 3;10 – 4;8 ) Approach (Jeremiah 29;4-7 )
Prepare well by your ACTION Acts 1 Context? Birth and Growth of the Church => Growth of Kingdom Vv. 1-11 Big Plan revealed - Full of Christ’s Presence, Power and Purpose BUT wait for a major event before they could go!
Prepare well for event and eternity by; 1/ Praying – Acts 1;12-14 2/ Perceiving – Acts 1:15-20 3/ Planning – Acts 1;21-26 There are good and bad ways to wait on the Lord and for His Kingdom to come!
Praying for the event and eternity vv. 12-14. V. 12 Command to wait expectantly V. 13 Community to be together V. 14 Constancy to keep in touch Inclusive team is built Females – Shattered society’s shackles Family – Shift from sceptic to significant.
Perceiving for the Event and Eternity vv. 15-20. V. 15 Recognition through Society V. 16-17 Replacement through Spirit V. 18-19 Repugnant through Sadness V. 20 References through Scriptures. Prayerful, Spirit led, Biblical perception is the best action for the Kingdom.
Planning for the Event and Eternity vv. 20-26. vv. 21-22 Criteria Set v. 23 Candidates Selected v. 24 Committed Spiritually v. 25 Choice Sanctified v. 26 Chance Shake!
Did they get the planning right? WRONG - Impatient Process Commanded to wait for the Spirit - Inappropriate Person Matthias is not seen but Apostle Paul is. RIGHT - Prayerful Process Pre-Pentecost Spirit Scripture way - Perfect Person Others not seen and criteria fulfilled.
Prepare well by your ATTITUDE 2Tim 3 Context? Last words of leader to spiritual son => Investment in Kingdom Letter for ministry legacy to continue – Call to faithfulness, focus on God and fight to the end Make your ministry count for eternity!
Have a Kingdom Attitude; 1/ Survive Problems – 2 Tim 3;10-13 2/ Solid Platform – 2 Tim 3; 14-17 3/ Sound Priorities – 2 Tim 4;1-5 Make the catalyst of the Event count for Eternity!
Kingdom Attitude means surviving problems vv. 10-13. The godly example of Paul: V. 10 Replicate the life V. 11 Rescue of the Lord V. 12-13 Reality in Living
Kingdom Attitude means a Solid Platform vv. 14-17. Foundation of a Bible based life; V. 14-16 Continual impact Teach = Deals with ignorance Rebuke = Rights wrong thinking Corrects = Rights wrong behaviour Trains = Equips in justice Enables us to bring so much good to an event that can count for eternity.
Kingdom Attitude means Sound Priorities 2 Tim 4;1-5. v. 1 Heavenly Perception v. 2 Happening Preaching v. 3 Happy Peers v. 4 Hopeless Pursuit v. 5 Hard Path
Paul’s Epitaph vv. 6-8? He uses a sporting metaphor to sum up his life work ... How cool is that for sport loving Christians!!
Prepare well by your APPROACH Jeremiah 29 Context? Letter from God to a small group of bewildered exiles amongst a powerful apathetic majority => Upbeat future kingdom Difficult to be upbeat in current circumstances!
Have a Kingdom Approach to the Event and Eternity; 1/ Participate – Jeremiah 29; 4-6 2/ Peace – Jeremiah 29; 7a 3/ Prosperity – Jeremiah 29; 7b.
Kingdom Approach means Participation vv. 4-7. Do have a long term view v. 5 Do cooperate and fit in v. 5 Don’t lose identity v. 6 Don’t drop in numbers v. 6 Be a Missionary presence in a pagan event in pagan cities in a pagan culture!!
What will Participation look like? The world and your nation Your community and your church This could involve; Churches, schools, sports bodies/clubs, business, government, politics and justice Use the catalyst of the common factors of sport and the major event for the Kingdom.
Kingdom Approach means Peace v. 7a. You and your church have a vested interest in the event. Peace involves; Harmony – Meet with people Clear Thinking – Keep your head Serving – Big hearted agenda Security – Help provide a safe environment
Kingdom Approach means Prosperity v. 7b. You and your church have a vested interest in the event. Prosperity of the event; Seek it – Be a catalyst Pray for it – Heavens resources God bless it – For His Kingdom
Bring the Event and Eternity Together in your 2010 and the Kingdom? Conclusion Bring the Event and Eternity Together in your Actions, Attitude and Approach.
David Oakley Ambassadors in Sport ETHICS AND FOOTBALL David Oakley Ambassadors in Sport
Ethics and Football Framework Ethics within Sport – Past & Present The need for such an examination Definitions Christian Response and Behaviour Biblical Input
Ethics and Football Origins of Sport and ‘Virtue’ Present Day Sport and ‘Fair Play’
Why is an examination of ethics and football necessary? Good of Football (and society) Personal Fulfilment Motivate for good behaviour Christian moral life framework Continued Engagement
Salt Influence in Football Salt looses its saltiness when it becomes contaminated Christian ethics could bring flavour and preservation into football
Light Light should not be hidden or it is useless The light of Christ should be uplifted high through good deeds so that people will praise God
What is Ethics? 1/ How people treat each other in football Character Actions 1/ How people treat each other in football 2/ Shape the way people act in football 3/ Moral evaluation of football
Niebuhr’s typology Christian responses to Culture Christ against Christ of Christ above Christ in tension Christ Transformer
Accommodation Dualism Transforming Withdrawal Segregation Capitulation World Faith World Segregation Capitulation Reject Redeem
Biblical Contributions to Ethics and Football a) Sporting Metaphors Sport and Faith Ethical Qualities b) Models of Excellence Characters that excelled in competition c) Love your Neighbour Teaching in Matthew and Luke d) Keep in step with the Spirit Galatians 5 Model